I picked up a new Hawkeye in 7mm-08 last summer. Put a Nikon Monarch UCC 3X9 on top. Was able to shoot it once before a major surgery that has side-lined me from shooting until at least this September. I used Winchester factory ammo, 150 gr. powerpoints that had bent tips (so much for factory ammo quality). At 25 yds, to get it on paper, I shot a one-hole group of 2 with another hole slightly to the lower right. The final 3-shot group at 100 yds. had a mean of under 0.5 inches. It wasn't my best shooting either... the grandma who came to practice with her Israeli 9mm kept bouncing brass off of my noggin while 2 ft away from my left ear. Meaning I pulled the group off quickly so I could get the heck out of there and have a discussion with the Rangemaster that I wasn't using my best shooting skills. Point is is that you don't have to work particularly hard to get that rifle to perform.
Am waiting for clearance from the Dr. to let me shoot again, and then I will post some results from my handloads. Please let me know how well yours works out.
P.S. My only problem with the gun is that it worked out so well, I am having a really hard time justifying buying any more new rifles to the wife!