As usual Don has made a profound statement in this thread.
Find a PH or Outfitter that knows bowhunting as a passion. Any yahoo will agree to take you hunting for money but then they get you to 60 yards and say there is your shot! That is a very eye opening and disappointing situation which at that moment makes you realize that this PH really has no idea what bow hunting is about. Yet now you stand looking at him like he's out of his mind, and he's wondering why you don't shoot. That is a mess that you will not likely recover from on that trip!
So you must find an experienced PH that he himself bow hunts. Not just a few times in his life, but as a passion that he does for his own free time and recreation. These in Africa are a growing population, but they are also difficult to find compared to a PH who does gun hunts.
The key to look into is the property. Is it Archery only? Those outfits that have Archery only will almost always have experienced Bow hunting PH's. Ask if they have a blood tracking dog on staff. Not just some Jack Russell that will run and bark, but do they actually have a skilled trained blood tracking dog. Learn this from the references more then the Outfitter and never trust that detail from a booking agent. Ask if they have a 3D range at the camp. Not that it's needed, but usually Archery hunting camps have these, it's a good sign that they know archery if they have this on site.
Speak to a bow hunter that has been there, even the PH or Outfitter. In a short conversation you should be able to tell if they are bowhunters, or just taking people for money and claiming they understand bow hunting. Spot and stalk is fine for some game, but it is rather time consuming on a short 7-10 day hunt and expecting to be successful many other species. Some Species with a bow doing Spot and stalk will be like winning the lottery. Kudu pop into my mind. These are not easy to get close to with a gun in the habitat they love to be in. Imagine a White tail with Mule deer hearing. Then put them in thick bush habitat with dry crunchy leaves on the ground every where you walk.
Some herd animals are rather easy to get into gun range with on spot and stalk. They are busy eating and making so much noise that they can be crept up on with frequent success. But the problem then comes from the game you're not looking at that spooks and ruins the stalk of the game you wanted. Warthogs and Steenbok are the primary culprit in that situation.
It's a great target rich environment that can provide a bow hunter with his life's dream hunting trip. But you really need to be sure it's a Bow hunting fanatic that you're with, not a PH or Outfitter that does not have a passion for Archery.