If you already have a lead furnace, a bullet (powder) scale, and a caliper used in your reloading efforts, all you need now to make your jacketed .311s is swaging lubricant, some pure lead, and .30 caliber jackets that are of the proper length to make the .311 bullets you want. $750 in additional tooling is needed: a mold to cast a rough lead core, a swaging press that is built for your swaging dies, a 3 die swaging set (to size the lead core to the proper weight, to seat that core in the jacket, and to put the point on the cored jacket) , and perhaps a tool to put a canneluer on the bullet. Purchasing a 'How to' swaging book would be a smart idea, too. It's also very important to get more than one opinion on what you are going to need to make your bullets. You should also be aware that swaging dies take a LONG time to get after you place your order, and that getting the proper length of jacket is so difficult that most swagers either trim their stock issued ones, or compromise on the bullet's weight or air volumn in the 'open tip'.