Author Topic: Pachmyer grip/lever interferance ??  (Read 372 times)

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Offline alan in ga

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Pachmyer grip/lever interferance ??
« on: July 13, 2003, 04:57:17 AM »
The Contender I bought yesterday has clearance problem [slight]with the back of the fingerlever contacting the front of the Pachmyer grip. To cock/open the pistol the lever has to push the grip back a fraction of an inch. Should I just cut part of the grip away? Is this common or is the wrong grip on this pistol? It is a "easy cocking" later model frame.
Thanks again for flairing up my CONTENDERITIS.
alan in ga.

Offline Ladobe

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Pachmyer grip/lever interferance ??
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2003, 07:25:36 AM »
Hi Alan,
I use a bunch of Pachy Grippers on all my Contenders, and what you're seeing I think is some of the manufacturing "tolerances" between grips from them.   Most of mine clear just fine, the couple that did/do rub a little I just loosened the grip mounting bolt, pulled the grip a little farther rear and retightened it.   Having stronger than normal hands, it isn't much extra effort for me to just over-ride them anyway.   With an easy open frame, it really should not be a problem and the Pachy's will probably loosen up with time and useage.   But if push comes to shove and you just can't live with it, relieving the grips also shouldn't be a problem for a gent with your smithing qualifications.   I'd probably relieve them inside rather than out if it was me though.   Just my  :money:  worth - along with it and $1 you can get a cup of coffee most places.   :wink:

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Offline SD Handgunner

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Pachmyer grip/lever interferance ??
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2003, 12:58:17 PM »
I have seen the same problem on several different Contender Frames using Pachmayr Grips. Suffering from tendionits it does indeed cause problems for me. I just trim that portion of the rubber away and rounded the edges. In addition I have also learned Contenders with Pachmayr Grips open a lot easier if I relieve a little material from the inside of the grip with a dremel. The frame I currently have Pachmayr's on opens as nice as my other frames with Rynite and Walnut grips.

Like Ladobe said, this info and $1.00 will get you a cup of coffee most places, and even change back at some.

Good luck with the Contender.

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Offline Bug

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I Concur,
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2003, 12:05:58 AM »
I've had to relieve the inside of Pachmayer grips also. Only difference is  the problem I encountered. Mine were interfering with the trigger group comming completely back to the "fire" position. It would hold the trigger guard slightly depressed, and cause a misfire now and then. It was just on the borderline, and wouldn't happen all the time. Took some head scratchin' before I discovered it. Relieved it with a Dremel, and haven't had any problems since.>>>>>>>>Bug.
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