Author Topic: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?  (Read 2735 times)

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Offline Mohawk

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #60 on: April 02, 2008, 10:57:26 AM »
   We should not forget that 3 thousand American CIVILIANS died in one day. Funny, nobody brings that up when discussing world affairs....... 

Offline deltecs

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #61 on: April 02, 2008, 12:22:56 PM »
I've stated my beliefs and logical conclusions based on researched info at hand with known facts.  I will not be baited into any arguments with those, who's positions are founded in half baked conspiracy theories from so called experts.  Other experts have testified independently in opposition to those supporting the conspiracy theory.  I believe Al Qaida and other terrorist organizations have, are and will continue to target Americans, whether we retreat from Iraq or not.  I believe terrorist actions will increase against Americans, if we retreat now.  I believe American image will suffer further from world opinion with severe negative results, if we retreat now.  I believe Islamic, Jewish, or Christian terrorism in any form is to be eradicated.  I believe any government that supports terrorism does not deserve to exist on this earth.  If any government does not have the balls to declare war according to Geneva Convention, it is a nation of cowards and criminals, thus should be dealt with appropriately, using whatever force necessary for its people to comply with the rest of the world's attempts to keep peace.  I believe that if we are the basic targets of these governments, then it is our responsibility and duty to react and enforce compliance.  Then maybe we can get back on track with peaceful pursuits and economic endeavors.  We cannot continue to be the targets of terrorists or religious extremists, effecting our economy, security, and pursuit of happiness. 
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Offline Two401Pm

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #62 on: April 02, 2008, 03:53:14 PM »
I've stated my beliefs and logical conclusions based on researched info at hand with known facts.  I will not be baited into any arguments with those, who's positions are founded in half baked conspiracy theories from so called experts.  Other experts have testified independently in opposition to those supporting the conspiracy theory.  I believe Al Qaida and other terrorist organizations have, are and will continue to target Americans, whether we retreat from Iraq or not.  I believe terrorist actions will increase against Americans, if we retreat now.  I believe American image will suffer further from world opinion with severe negative results, if we retreat now.  I believe Islamic, Jewish, or Christian terrorism in any form is to be eradicated.  I believe any government that supports terrorism does not deserve to exist on this earth.  If any government does not have the balls to declare war according to Geneva Convention, it is a nation of cowards and criminals, thus should be dealt with appropriately, using whatever force necessary for its people to comply with the rest of the world's attempts to keep peace.  I believe that if we are the basic targets of these governments, then it is our responsibility and duty to react and enforce compliance.  Then maybe we can get back on track with peaceful pursuits and economic endeavors.  We cannot continue to be the targets of terrorists or religious extremists, effecting our economy, security, and pursuit of happiness. 
   Sir we are on the same page. We can not continue to be someone's whipping boy.
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.

Offline myronman3

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #63 on: April 03, 2008, 02:40:22 AM »
i am no fan of bush.  i have a long list of beefs with him.

but from sitting back and watching people discuss it here and elsewhere,  the people that loathe him cant get their stories straight.  one minute he is an incompetent idiot,  the next moment he is some evil puppetmaster manipulating all of us to his evil will.   and they go back and forth between these two positions,  depending on what supports the position they are trying to push. 

this is where his detractors loose any credibiltiy that they might have had. 
  from where i am standing,  the prez's biggest screw up is not bringing the oil companies to heel.  that hurts every american more than any other single issue.   oil companies get tax breaks from us, yet screw us at every turn and continuely rake in record profits.   no, bush doesnt set the prices, and save your supply and demand b.s..   there has been and is a monopoly with oil companies, the fix is in, and this negro thinks it is high time they become government regulated.   
      yeah, i know that if you want something screwed up, get the gubment involved.   but i  think that is exactly what the oil companies deserve.   if the gubment can regulate how much phone companies charge,  they sure as hell can regulate fuel prices.    so dont tell me it wont work. 

   the gubment needs to set a limit on how much profit they can make, and the penalty needs to be hard jailtime for the ceo,  no fines of any sort. 

Offline Two401Pm

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #64 on: April 03, 2008, 05:15:31 AM »
So you think American oil is in a union with OPEC nations regarding the price of oil and the price of a barrel of crude? I think you may be right in regard to American oil. We can make synthetic oils and lubes we can even make fuel. Vegetable oil will run quite well in a diesel engine. Alcohol will run very well in a gas engine. Don't think so explain the nascar circut they run on alcohol. optimize an engine to run on e85 and your milage will be nearly as good as the cheep gas we get today. Ethanol is non corrosive methanol is corrosive. I don't care what the misconception of the cost to produce a bushel of corn is. I don't believe the report from California university's say about the cost to make a gallon of ethanol. Use some of the other university's facts. Because they have a different agenda. Some people just can't stand to think that some people would use something that can be used to make food should be used to make fuel and lubricants when there are people in the world hungry. Trade them food for their crude oils. If they don't like the deal let them eat their oil. Lets put America First for a change. Myronman3 I can't begin to express how grateful to you that I am for your refering to your self as a negro and not as an African American. Thank you. This part of my reply is not to inflame anyone or incite riot. I have European ancestry but that said IM AN AMERICAN nothing more nothing less. Just an American. I agree with you on Price Gouging.
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.

Offline myronman3

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #65 on: April 03, 2008, 09:35:08 AM »
i am not saying opec and american oil companies are in union.  but BOTH of them are screwing us. 
 i agree wholeheartedly with your words
...Trade them food for their crude oils. If they don't like the deal let them eat their oil. ...

the arabs i almost cant blame.  why wouldnt they screw us for whatever they  can?   

 but the american oil companies?  they are profiteering in a time of war; and the oil excutives need to go to jail.  nothing like sticking it to your country to get a few bucks while others are out there dying for their ideals.   there is one hell of a difference in the american soldier and the american businessman.     the only thing i am sure of anymore is that this country doesnt deserve the sacrifices that some have given, others are giving, and still more that will give in the years to come.  talk about unworthy.   
   if'n i had my way,  the oil excutives would be hung from their toes from the street lights.   

Offline Two401Pm

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Re: I am really Peedddddddddd off. What is wrong with our country?
« Reply #66 on: April 03, 2008, 10:16:07 AM »
One thing that really burns my a** is when the troops come home and they have health problems the govt. just wants to sweep them under the rug so to speak. I think they deserve the absolute best health care possible!!! At the very least as good as the prez gets. They all gave some and some gave all. Free health care for all veterans of foreign wars.Those who didn't serve in the military can pay for theirs. Public service as a cop doesn't count. I served as a public servant for several years but it isn't the same as being in the line of Fire on foreign ground. Lets bring back Tar and feathers and ride them out of office on a rail. Or go back to public hangings. The Federalist and the anti Federalist papers spelled things out quite clear as to how things should be handled. The Liberals talk, the death penalty doesn't deter crime, Bring back public hangings and I bet the crime rate would go down. Cruel and inhumane?  What about the victim don't they have rights also? here i go rambling off on another tangent. It just there are so many things wrong today and trying not to offend and get the point across is difficult to say the least especially when one is not a lawyer,that left a bad taste in my mouth. Anyone who takes something someone says and turns it around to mean something entirely different ought to be hung.  That is just wrong. Are there no Honest people left in the world? has greed and corruptionand moral decay of society finally conquered all? Are we too far gone to save?
Patron NRA member,Hunter Safety Instructor,GOA member,Buckskinner.