I do have a quick question. I do not have any reloading components or even dies yet for the 38-55. Since reading all the possible concerns with bore and chamber dimensions, what factory ammo can you all suggest that might prove to be good? I'm just wanting to get to the range next weekend and have some fun with it!!! Much appreciated 
I have had my best luck with 255 LFN Black Hills ammo, Winchester 200gr power points were a BIG disappointment.
If you're refering to the .375 dia 200gr bullets, it's no surprise. Those are made for the 375 Win, not the 38-55. The 38-55 bore dia was never in line with the 375. The fact that the 38-55 can be shot out of a 375 Win rifle, confuses many in this respect. Unlike a 38 special and 357 mag, the bullets are not interchangable, at least, not if you want to hit anything.
Stick to jacketed bullets, at a min of .377, if they wer .378-379 so much the better, I say.
BTW, did you guys know that the 223 Rem case would be a good candidate for making home swaged bullets for either of these calibers?
Just cut off the rim and put them in a proper swaging die, press the lead in and it oughta work. Never done it, but the size is right.