You are exactly right cloduster, i myself have never had any poblems either, as for smoothbores using hardcast all mine shoot decent out to 70 or so yards but the big difference is using soft lead in smooth bores is the patch will grip the ball better and forms a tighter gas seal, this is great for target shooters , but for most of us we just want to blast and have a good time at the range, and it is the same princible for rifled guns, tight
patch and ball combination excellent accuracy, depending on rate of twist, but that in itsself is another story, anther thing is useing hard cast in civil war guns is ok, but again accuracy also suffers if you target shoot, but for hunting hardcast will perform but bullet grouping is extreame, i'ev tried it all in my guns and all i can say is for best accuracy use soft lead for, plinking use wheel weights, and always have fun and be safe,