I got off of work yesterday to go to a funeral, but the funeral was over with by 5:30pm so naturaly I took the big cat rods and a dipnet. It was very enjoyable to sit back and watch the rod tips swaying with the current. The inlet I was fishing was swarming with baby shad so I dipped up a net full for bait. I was only able to catch three, 2 flats and one channel. All of them looked as if they weighed about 2and1/2 pounds. There was a fellow farther down from me at the very end of the scour hole who was having some good luck, and near as I can tell he was using crawdads. He caught three that I could see and they all appeared to be in the 10lb range. I can't wait for sept. and the big ones to start biting again.
good luck to everyone and lets hear your experiences