Well, yer likley gonna need a new nipple,those things wear out first an cause alot of grief. Theres only three common sizes for #11 cap's so get the old one out and take it with ya to the store. a nipple wrench help's with that but if yer carefull you can still git it out.
Patch an ball for easy beginner stuff?,,I'd try ta find Ox-Yoke pre lubed,or T/C prelubed.I'd keep a loose fit for starters; .440 ball,use a .010 patch,,445 ball use a .005 patch,,snug is better but that'll come later.
Powder: oh boy!! try to find 777 2f,,loose,, NO PELLETS!! if no 777 then try another of the faux bp just to start. true BP can be messy hard to clean and tough to find, again something to be tryed later.NO PELLETS!!
let's see:
nipple wrench,,,,6
short starter,,,,,6
cleaning jag to fit the rod,,,3
CCI #11 mag caps,,,,,,,3
I guess those are just some ideas,IMHO good luck,check in some more.