What for load (powder amount, bullet type and weight) are you guys using in your CVA Wolfs? What for distance are you shooting? What type of results have you had? Last year was my first year muzzleloader hunting and I used 250 grain shockwave sabots. I managed to harvest a doe (35 yard shot, she ran 70 yards..only left about a 5 ft long blood trial, and that was right before she expired). The shot was angling away, went in behind right front shoulder and into the left front (can't 100% remember if the bullet passed completely thru or not, it did however hit the heart and lungs). I'm heading out west this fall, so I'm gettin a headstart on things. I'm looking to be able to shoot up to 150 yards (if I can get the right load) I want a bullet that'll have plenty of knockdown power but will also leave a blood trial if needed. If shot placement is key on blood trail, where is the best place to aim with a muzzleloader? Thanks for any input.