Picked up a Sig P 239 in 9mm, it's everything I've heard or read about. Only problem it shoots to the left. What's the best way to adjust the fixed sights, move the front or the rear? Thanks.
Welcome to the Sig forum on Graybeard!
Ok. Hard question first. Have you had anyone else try the gun. I know I have a leftward flinch that I've been fighting and always have some of the better shooters that I know try my pistols before I adjust the sights.
That being said. You'll need to drift the rear sight to the right. Only adjust the front sight if it is obviously off-center of the slide. Most sigs have a centering spot on the slide that serves as a pretty good guide. My P245 had one, I can't remember if my P239 has one or not.
Congrats on picking up one fine pistol!
Hope this helps,