Report: Muslim Leaders Want Mecca to Be Center of World Time Zones
Monday, April 21, 2008
Fox News
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) could be replaced by "Mecca Time," if a group of Muslim leaders get their way.
At the conference, "Mecca, the Center of the Earth, Theory and Practice," Muslim scientists and clerics called for the change, arguing that the holy city in Saudi Arabia is the center of the Earth and should be the reference point for world time, not Greenwich, England, the British Broadcasting Corp. reports.
One geologist at the Qatar conference said Mecca's longitude is perfectly aligned with magnetic north and should therefore replace the English city, which has been measuring time zones since 1884, the BBC reports.
....The conference is part of a trend called “Ijaz al-Koran" or "miraculous nature of the holy text," which tries to find precedents for modern science from passages in the Koran, the BBC reports.
If anyone doesn't believe that Muslim clerics and religion want to control the rest of the world's population, this should give you a clear picture. The bold type is my editorializing since the MAGNETIC NORTH POLE constantly moves. Mecca is only perfectly aligned this year and will not be next year. And every year hence, will be farther away from Mecca. So much for Islamic scientists to objectively state the truth. I suppose the same Islamic scientist have been the ones, who have related that Iran's nuclear program is strictly for electrical generation. Are we supposed to believe this?