I for one would not classify a question of BASIC DIS-HONESTY AS RACIALLY MOTIVATED.. if he is a liar.... that transcends color... He has insufficient experience to speak on anything, but has great teams of speechwriters and plagiarizers behind him... and is an excellant chameleon or shape shifter ( to cover the gamut of sceientific and sci fi geek speak - to get the point across ) it is most likely that he does not know anything, except what will enflame a voter base... so he just says what sounds good... he is not a leader, he is an entertainer and a great speaker.. which is his only merit... he is such a great speaker in fact that he is
he has no substance and his success is at making a mockery of the American people's intelligence... and I do not mean that in a racially motivated manner either..... this is what I think needs to be said at least once.. I do not intend to fight about it...
I do not expect Obama to respond.. his responses when he is caught at lying and RACISM are thinly veiled lies and of stellar lack of candor... like he never heard nor was ever in the church when his religious leadership espoused such anti american and racially inappropriate points of view... YEAH RIGHT...I imagine he is really not even cast with the responsiblity to know that he supports and attends the church of a clearly racist hate mongering congregation.... the dogma and language closely resembles skinheads but the congregation is non-white... I was shocked to read the speeches.... but Obama can just say he did not know... that tactic went out with Ronald Reagan... Obama would have us beleive that he is very beleivable and just too busy to prove he tells the truth.. He hopes we remain too busy to learn the truth about him and the folks he really hangs out with... and what he really knows about running a country or a war... or why he really wore a turban... or anything except what he tells us or wants us to think of him....
I just happen to think that he is a racist, in fact.
and FOR HIM to cry racism when he is attacked as LACKING CREDIBILITY OR RACIST, is the sickest type of verbal dodgeball available...ONE THAT IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO HIS RACE, IN FACT... I think he would be a disaster for America... I ALSO HEARD THAT HE HAD NASTY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THE GUN OWNERS IN PENNSYLVANIA... and decided to clarify that, also.. I guess calling him anti-gun is probably racially motivated so I will not call him clearly anti-gun... just a liar...
and I mean that HONESTLY --as a gun toting mixed breed coonasse... thass mah opinyun yaa!!