made it out with my new Buffalo Classic twice in the last two days. I started at the 50yd line shooting Rem 300gr. I didn't polish the bore or chamber before heading out, but he first 4 shots were all touching. I then moved to the 100yd line and made a few adjustments to the sight. I was able to put the next 3 shots dead on and within an 1 1/4" of each other. I also had a box of Buffalo Bore 500gr FMJ. They put a warning on the box stating that these can't be shot out of just any gun; and with good reason. OMG does my shoulder hurt. The barrel would jump off the shooting bag a good 4" with each shot. After the first one, I was reaching for the gun case to use as padding. By far this is one of the most accurate out of the box guns I've bought, and it's a beautiful rifle.