Author Topic: anyone try this?  (Read 807 times)

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Offline rickyp

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anyone try this?
« on: August 09, 2004, 09:18:40 AM »
I was watching a hunting video today. On it they took a spray bottle and filled it with  apple cider. then sprayed it from a stand. They then showed deer sniffing the wind and coming in to the them. I think I may try this.
This video did not have the normal ads as seen in the monster bucks. it did not mention a single brand name. I am willing to take what they say as truth then I would that drops a lot of products name.

Offline cam69conv

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anyone try this?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2004, 11:26:26 AM »
sounds like a dandy Idea to me...I think Ill try apple juice rather than the cider though
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anyone try this?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2004, 12:06:47 PM »
hmm sence it is an extract or juice from a none animal thing wouldent it considered to be baiting of course that dosent count if baiting is alowed were your from but would you thing it is?

Offline Redhawk1

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anyone try this?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2004, 01:12:21 PM »
I don't think it would be considered baiting. And if it was, it is not different than sitting off an apple orchard and shooting deer.  :grin:
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Offline oneshotonekill

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anyone try this?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2004, 01:22:44 PM »
Quote from: Redhawk1
I don't think it would be considered baiting. And if it was, it is not different than sitting off an apple orchard and shooting deer.  :grin:

I disagree.  An orchard is a natural food source regardless if it was planted as a food plot, a working orchard, or is abandoned.  Bringing apple juice or cider to a deer stand to entice deer to come to the area would be considered baiting in many states.  Read the regs carefully before trying it.  Some states spell it out pretty clearly others are as clear as mud.  Treating a stump with molasses, cider, peanutbutter, or extract is considered baiting (as is a honey burn for bear) in all the states I hunt so I'm pretty sure apple juice would fall into the same category.

Offline 7magWoodsman

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anyone try this?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2004, 01:24:15 PM »
This WILL work but one thing to remember is that deer are smart and "generally" know the area, so if there is not any apples close they know it, if there is wild apples around get ready cause they will come...this will work with everything too...cherries,persimmons,blackberries,etc.(what works is what is in the area) I seen deer lick the maple sap from maple trees quite a few times and experimented with store brand maple syrup, that works too, although there are better "substitutes" Just remember that 100% juice works 110% better than the "made from concentrate" stuff...

In no way of knocking hunting videos(I love em) "most" of em are done on land where people generally do certain things like spraying apple cider before pouring out corn in big piles everyday....just like a farm pond where you feed catfish everynight using puppychow, dont you think you have the best chance of catching catfish at night using puppychow? so same scenario big buck smell apple cider, big buck come for corn, big buck get shot on camera for huntin' video  :-)

If it is legal to bait (it is in Kentucky as long as its not on a WMA or for turkey) throw out apples every few days and then carry your juice hunting, that too will work....they have to be "expecting" it to come for it...and that is not set in stone, Hunting is a learning experience try everything.

This is off the topic but I read in an Outdoor Life years ago that if you RUN through the woods and climb your stand real fast that deer will come being their curious selves and see what the commotion was...I thought it was absurd and told my Dad about it, and he thought it sounded logical saying to me"What if someone come crashing through your house, wouldn't you like to see what it was?" so I tried it, and sure nuff it wasn't 10 min. I had 5 deer from 3 directions trying to see what just came through there and why....never be skeptical, at least not till you prove it wrong.
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Offline rickyp

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anyone try this?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2004, 03:55:37 PM »
on the farm I hunt on there are a few apple trees hear and thear.

I doubt this would be considered batting since you are spraying the air and not putting anything out for them to eat. If you can use normal hunting scents like tinks 69  then the apple cider should be ok (in the spray form)  now if you are poring it over a stump, leaving buckets out, spraying it on trees this is a diffrent story.

 on the other hand if you have troubles with the game wardens you can say it is for drinking and spray the apple cider in your mouth :-D  :D

Offline ratherbefishin

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anyone try
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2004, 04:43:38 AM »
uh...was that ''soft cider'' or ''hard cider''?[alcohalic]

Offline rickyp

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anyone try this?
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2004, 09:13:39 AM »
uh...was that ''soft cider'' or ''hard cider''?[alcohalic]

alcohal never goes well with hunting (or any thing with guns) it would have to be soft cider

Offline ratherbefishin

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« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2004, 12:43:40 PM »
no,no,hard cider for the deer-not you! but you've got to make sure they don't drink too much- makes them wobble - hard to get a good shot in

Offline jhalcott

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anyone try this?
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2004, 04:02:19 PM »
An old guy in Maine once told me that a frost causes a change in the apples. Some how it makes them more enticing to deer. It may cause fermentation of the natural sugars. We watched several deer gorge them selves on apples that were on the ground for a few days after a frost.
   Maybe they just got soft and easier to eat? We went back after dark with a night vision scope and saw 2 BIG bucks eating . One was an 8 pointer ,the other7,but looked bigger in body. A game warden was waiting at our truck when we came out. He seemed surprised that we had no gun with us. I showed him the N V  and took him to see the deer. He claimed to know all the bucks in the area till he saw those 2.

Offline Chuck White

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anyone try this?
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2004, 10:06:20 AM »
This applies to New York state and maybe some others too!

I'm not sure on the legality of using apple juice or cider as a deer attractant! I will check this out before the season starts, sounds interesting!  But then they do have a lot of different scents/attractants on the market!

I do know that if you have a stand set-up, and just out of your sight there is a nice apple tree with plenty of apples, that it is against the law to pick up some of those apples and put them anywhere else so that you can see a deer if it comes to them.
But, on the other hand it is not against the law to get where you can see the apples as they fell naturally!
The bottom line is it's against the law to "place" apples anywhere so that you can hunt over them!  Depending on the game warden you encounter, it may also be illegal to shake an apple tree to place more apples on the ground!  You "can" get a ticket for it!
No, I haven't been ticketed, but I've talked to wardens about it!
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