When I was too young to know better, I used my grand dads .45 auto to shoot a dog that was bothering my brother and me. I was about 10 brother a year younger. The dog chased us into the house for the 2nd time in 2 days. gramps said "Some body is gonna shoot that D--- dog"! He was in the bathroom . I got the gun out and loaded it. Had a terrible time racking the slide. Walked out on the porch, the dog was at the bottom of the steps barking. I laid the gun on the railing so I could aim it One shot and the dog stopped barking! First Gramps spanked me for getting the gun down and using it. THEN he told my parents what I did. ANOTHER spanking, from my dad this time. Some thing about playing with the gun near my little brother. I was only trying to PROTECT him. I t hink dad was upset with gramps for not locking up the gun.