Author Topic: What is your most memorable moment while hunting?  (Read 1223 times)

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Offline THE#1hunter

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What is your most memorable moment while hunting?
« on: July 16, 2003, 03:10:33 PM »
What is your most memorable moment while hunting? Mine was my first time hunting(squirrel).It was the first day, and I had just gotten my new 20gage Ithica fether light the past christmas, My father as far as i can remember was never patient, but being in the woods does somthing to him....its hard to explain , as it does somthing to me.
Good Luck, Be Safe, and God Bless  :D

Ephesians 2:8
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Offline Kragman71

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2003, 04:15:20 PM »
For Me,it must be my first shot at a deer. It was over 50years ago,and I still remember most of the details of planning the hunt,spotting the deer and the problems that I had after the kill.
I can't remember that much detail of anything else that I did back then.

Offline broken arrow

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Tennesse opening day of Rifle season 1999
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2003, 02:47:31 AM »
My most memorable hunt was the first time I killed a buck. My usual hunting partner and I had gone up to our family farm. I had gotten up very late and we left after sunrise. My buddy gave me crap the whole trip about being sleeping beauty and that the whole hunt was ruined. We got our TreeLounges hung around 7:00am. It was a cold Tennessee morning with a mild wind. I almost immediately spotted a hot doe. She was squatting and looking behind her constantly. I heard the unmistakeable grunt of a buck behind her, but not yet visible. Then I saw him, an 8 pointer of nice size on her trail. I began to shake and leveled my rifle. I began taking deep breaths and managed to calm down. The 8 pointer never presented me with a shot that I was comfortable taking. I let him pass into a deep oak stand. A few minutes passed by and I was startled by a nearby gunshot. I knew Mr. "We're late, you dumbass" had just killed the nice 8 pointer! I was happy for him, but dissapointed, of course. I knew I'd made the right call in letting the deer walk, I was preparing to climb down and help him dress his trophy. No sooner had I turned around in my stand when I heard what sounded like a freight train coming through the woods. Does began jumping a fence directly beneath me en masse. There were so many does I couldn't count them. Then the bucks that had been chasing them cleared the same fence. I never had time to get excited. A nice 5 pointer stopped 15 yards from me overlooking a valley and the large heard of does. I placed my crosshairs directly behind his shoulder and squeezed the trigger, The bullet found it's mark. The deer's heart was split in two as the 30.06 bullet passed through center mass and came to rest under the skin on the left side of his neck. The deer dropped in his tracks it all happened in the blink of an eye. The deer never even took a breath. We had both taken a nice deer on that hunt despite being late. I was very proud of my shot. His was equally as devastating. A double lung pass through at about 75 yards. We recount the hunt every year and hope to soon top the experience. I don't know if we ever will. :wink:
"Cowards die many times before their death, The valiant never taste of death but once."

Offline 01magnatec

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2003, 03:55:42 AM »
well, This is going to be my 4th year hunting and i have shot two buck so far. First year i shot a 10 pointer on private farm land.  That was with a gun and the light was starting to die out.  I knew it was a buck, I knew it was big, It was far out there but i had a clear shot. Although that was my biggest, it wasn't my most memorable.

When i first bought my magnatec i had only 3 weeks to get in shape, sight it in, and get used to shooting it.  I didn't even buy broadheads or camo clothes until the NIGHT before the season opened. I was late with everything.
Opening morning me and my brother hopped out of the truck and sprayed ourselves to death with carbon blast.  We were about to leave for the stand when i realized i forgot my flashlight. so after a long wait of him getting set up he let me take his light.  I got to my stand and realized i had dropped the pillow to the tree lounge somewhere between my stand and his. I didn't worry about it. I climbed the tree and had some coffee before daybreak.
then once around 7:30 i noticed a doe starting down the shelves. Now that it was getting closer, it turned into a closer it's a 6 pointer....Now just about under my stand IT'S AN 8!!!!!   I slowly started to draw my bow and the deer looked up and saw me. I trotted about 30 yards away and i undrew the bow and noticed that i had just threated the deer with an Compound bow and no arrow.  :x
I thought for sure that i would never see that deer again.
But around 8:15 here he comes, back from where he ran to and i was ready this time.  He came all the way up to 10 yards, stopped, and i let him have it.  Stopped him in his tracks.  Sadly, I spined him. But he died REALLY quick.
I Yelled outloud and my bro came over yelling at me that he had does above him......then he tripped over my deer !!!! :)

Offline Rick Teal

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2003, 01:11:33 PM »
Mine is also my first deer.  I took it on my second day of deer hunting (in 1961) when I was 15.

My father had bought me an SMLE the christmas before, and I spent the next 11 months sporterizing it and learning to shoot it.

Our camp has a tradition that on opening morning each hunter does his own thing.  Most sit, and others still hunt and all look for sign.  Since I didn’t know the country, I was left at what was supposed to be a good watch - the Junction.  That morning was cool, and the bush was very noisy.  My youthful ears heard what sounded like continuous shooting from all directions, and the red squirrels kept me jumping out of my skin as they ran through the dry leaves.

At noon we went back to camp, and discovered that my uncle Hilliard had shot a nice buck.  After lunch we went out to bring it back to camp (it was too heavy for him to hang by himself).  This used up too much of the afternoon to organize a hunt, so we were on our own for the rest of the day.  My father took me for a walk west of camp to show me around, and we flushed a monster buck that I managed to shoot at with an empty chamber - the click that was heard around the world.

The next morning, it was decided that we should repeat the previous morning’s activities.  So I was left at the Junction again.  This was a duplicate of the previous morning, and these two mornings are probably the genesis of my deep dislike of stand hunting.

In the afternoon, no one organized a drive, so my father decided to show me the country south of camp.  To get there we went to the Junction, and turned south.  We had an interesting afternoon, with my father relating fascinating hunting stories about each spot we visited.  On the way back, as we approached the Junction, I asked my father a question which he began to answer.

I heard a noise, and looked to the right where I saw a doe coming down off a hill heading across in front of me.  The deer heard my father talking, and stopped.  I put my sight on its shoulder, it took a step forward, so I swung with it and fired.  It was quite cold, and a gentle but heavy snow seemed to begin with my shot.  

All I saw was smoke in the air that I assumed was burnt powder - no deer.  After a short delay (I always accused him of checking for bullet wounds before he spoke), my father asked if I shot at a partridge.  When I told him it was a deer, he seemed to get to my side immediately.  At that point we saw the doe’s hoof rise up from behind a low brush pile.

When I swung with the deer, my bullet managed to pass through a 3” maple, and enter her shoulder fully expanded to about 1” square.  The smoke I saw was the steam released from her lungs as they were destroyed.

When I got back to camp, I don’t know who looked prouder, my father, my grandfather or my uncle Fletcher (who taught me most about hunting).  A few days later, Fletcher took me for a tandem hunt that produced my second deer.

I can still remember the smell of the air that Tuesday night at (of all places) the hated Junction.
Hunting is Exciting!  Bolt actions are BORING!!
Don't mix the two!

Offline kjeff50cal

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2003, 06:50:05 PM »
My most memorable deer hunt was the first time the season opened in the ancestral home of my father. The season had been closed for generations mainly because of the close prox. of a Fed. Wildlife preserve. And the efforts of a prototype treehugger  :evil:  . Any way he passed away years before and his people either died or had a change of heart and persuded the state (Texas) to have a deer season on certain parts of the county. We lucked out as our parsel of land (150 acres combined) was in the hunting area :-) . At the time I was a college student and the ownly gun I had that was "deer capable" was a Remington 870 pump 12ga with a 28" mod. barrel. My uncle Bob said I could use slugs if the range was under 50 yards. My cousins had .308s & .243s respectively and laughed that they would get one way before I would.... Well the first morning my older cousin (2 years younger then I) was on his stand and around 9am I hear him shoot... he missed a four pointer that is probally still running :-D  . That afternoon (3pm) I went to my stand. It was in a tree along a field that boardered a drainage canal and a pine thicket. At about 4:30pm (I looked at my watch) and it getting dark I heard a noise off to my right. I thought it was the Squarrels that theatened to get in my lap that morning. No it was not!!! It was a buck not more than 15 yards away from my stand. I swung my pumpshotgun slowly to the point behind his shoulder and pulled the trigger. BOOOOOM!!!! He ran about 20 yards and dropped. My cousin who muffed the shot came to see what I was shooting at just in time to help me drag my 9 point 150LB buck to the farm where I skinned and gutted him. As we dragged him my cousin said joking "this is the last time I am going hunting with you!!!."

Ignorance leads us into the darkness, Knowlege leads us out.

Offline Robert

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My first 'deer' hunt was a 6x5 bull Elk, but....
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2003, 08:33:35 AM »
The most memorable was last year. a 5x4 bull ran straight downhill toward me after I shot it, and crashed 20 feet in front of me.  It all happened so fast, I didnt know what way to run.  Scared the bejeeses out of me.
....make it count

Offline THE#1hunter

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2003, 08:45:59 AM »
Somthing similar happend to me except it was a whitetail...
Good Luck, Be Safe, and God Bless  :D

Ephesians 2:8
--For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of god--

Offline JACKNZ

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2003, 02:23:31 AM »
My first deer.Fourteen yr,s old with my uncles 8mm mauser.Thirty odd yr,s ago but seems like yesterday.Thanks for reminding me..Jack.

Offline myronman3

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2003, 03:31:48 AM »
the one that got away.    after school when i was about 13-14 i go hunting.  not knowing squat about stand selection i decide to sit on the ground mid way through a corn field.  after a couple of hours, i hear this ungodly crashing behind me.   i turn around and see a whitetail charging down the hill dead for me.   that deer seen me move and went from this huge leaping downhill motion to an all out sprint away from me.  just as i think it is all over i realize that i still hear the crashing noise.  all i saw was antler.
   now keep in mind boys, when i say a buck is big, i am not exaggerating.  this sucker was the biggest i seen before or since(and i have crossed paths with alot of BIG bucks in my life so far).
    he keeps coming. leaps to within 10 feet of me and lands with his head down staring right at me.  i am frozen with awe.   he is looking at me with a raw fury because i had interupted his romantic endeavors.  i try to draw, but the arrow falls off the rest.  at that moment he leaps RIGHT OVER me.  now he is standing broadside at 15 feet with nothingin the way;  i draw and release.....
   the arrow flys perfect and hits him dead in the boiler room!   but wait!  instead of penatrating,  it bounced off that deer like he was made of steel.  he walks casually a half cirle and stand broadside again at 30 feet, and gives me this look like "take another crack, boy."   so i draw another and send it on its way....right into the ground at his feet.   i was so emotionally wrecked that i knew to not to try again for fear of a bad shot.  i started to shake so bad before i had even shot the second time.    well the deer gave me two chances, after the miss he turned and walked away casually.   as he reached the woodline 60 yards away he turned and looked at me, i thought the look said "see you around, kid".            the arrow must have hit the shoulder bone directly.   never even bled.   no one believed me until my mom (who is an accomplished deer hunter) had a run in with him during gun season at 20 feet.   her gun decided to malfunction.   pin hit the primer enough to dent it, but not to fire the slug.  she still has that unfired slug to this day.   oh, and now my family believes me as he turned mom into a wreck that day too! :wink:

Offline THE#1hunter

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2003, 03:42:05 PM »
Yet again somthing similar happend to me....It was after school one evening, and I decided to take my bow out....what the hell...right, so I go out without treestand and im sitting up against a big oak, and ive been there for about a 20minnutes all of a sudden I hear a very slight crack and here he jumped a fence and I never heard him and there about 5yds away the biggest buck I ever saw, he walked behind a tree I pulled back, and right about when I was about to shoot my arrow fell off my rest :x ,  but he acted like he diddnt even hear it, by then I had the shakes real bad (( )) he walked behind another tree So i pulled back again and right about when I was about to let go a squirrel jumped on me, and that was enough for him he booked and stopped about 50 yds away just to say (not this time buddy) I had to sit for about 15min, because I couldnt even walk....I harvested that same deer the following year during rifle....

Oh bye the way...I made sure that squirrel diddnt get away :twisted:
Good Luck, Be Safe, and God Bless  :D

Ephesians 2:8
--For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of god--

Offline TScottO

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2003, 05:07:33 PM »
One morning after I got home from working midnight shift I hurried to get cleaned up and headed out to the deer woods. It was 8am or so before I made it to my stand. It was during the rut and I had hopes of finding a buck rooting around for does in their bedding area. After sitting 30 feet high in a long straw pine for 3 hours, overlooking a two year old cut-over, I started to get awful sleepy and figured I better climb down and do some moving around. I climbed down and made my way back to the truck to put up my Ol’ man climber.

About 400 yards away we had a corn field and grass plot set in amongst a stand of 10 year old pines. After stalking 20 yards and sitting for 20 minutes, over and over, I was just to the edge of our young pines to the point I could see small pieces of our food plot. Then I saw a twitch... The back side of a young button bucks ear. He was less than 20 yards away. I didn’t want to spook him and send him off running especially after this tiresome long stalk.

I was almost where I had planed to spend the rest of my hunt in the edge of the pines, so i could watch over our food plot. In full cammo I squatted down real low to the ground hoping the dear would move on about his way, but he spotted me! This little buck was curious and made his way right towards me and stepped out in the middle of this old beaten road within 15 feet of me. I slowly looked to the ground and close my eyes so we wouldn’t make eye contact. This lil buck just looked at me moving his head all around trying to figure out what on earth this lump of green camouflage was. He stayed there for what seemed like and hour. He turned his back to me. I thought he was finally going to move on but I was wrong.

He turned back around and walked rite up to me, face to face, He was about 3 feet way. Then he stretched his two front legs out towards me, stuck his neck out and sniffed my nose. This is the honest go god truth, I swear. He got so close his nose was blurry to my eyes and I could feel his breath on my face. After sniffing me for a minute or so, he stepped back, looked me over again a few times and finally stepped back into the young pines moving about his merry way.

I gave him about 20 minutes to get a good distance away then I made my way to my spot in the edge of the pines and ended my hunting trip over looking standing corn and green grass. While I was sitting there watching 3 does come in and feed a short distance away all I could think of is what an experience this was to have a wild deer this close.

This is truly the most memorable experience I've had while hunting.


Offline THE#1hunter

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2003, 02:04:02 AM »
All of theese moments in the outdoors make us realize how lucky we are to have all this...Its an amazing feeling, just to be out there and have theese experiences,you dont have to shoot a huge buck, or catch a big bass,trout,salmon-whatever(it helps though :grin: ) its just being out know what I mean?
Good Luck, Be Safe, and God Bless  :D

Ephesians 2:8
--For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of god--

Offline AAAJohn

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2003, 09:04:35 AM »
When I killed my first and largest buck, I was 16 and it was a 12 point counted as 18 with hang the ring points. Posted on the other tread.
Second was looking across the hollow and seeing the Albino doe that I have on the wall.
Third was the piebald button buck that I got last year.

Offline Brushhunter

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2003, 01:33:27 PM »
I was 16 and it was my second year to go to the deer camp.  The year before I was happy just to be with the men and go hunting, even though I never had a shot.  Now it was the rule in our camp that each day one man stayed in camp all day, cleaned up, cooked breakfast and dinner, and kept an eye on our stuff.  I drew camp duty on the third day.  Everyone was up before first light, I made 'em pancakes and sausage (learning to cook was a required skill for men in our home), and off they all went for the day.  By 11 a.m. or so I had everything going for dinner--venison stew simmering slowly on the back of the wood stove, biscuits rising, dishes done, water hauled, wood chopped.  I was just sitting on the cabin porch wondering what to do with myself when I saw a nice spike walk out of the woods across the clearing not more than fifty yards away.  I went in and got my rifle, a hand-me-down Marlin in .35 Remington, quietly drew a bead (it had iron sights, of course), and fired.  That deer jumped once into the air and came down dead.  In about a half hour, men came trickling back to camp to find out what had happened. It was the third deer of the trip and my first, and I got it while I was camp cook and bottle washer!  Everyone kidded me about goofing off and going hunting when I was supposed to be doing chores, but I'll never forget the look of quiet pride in my Dad's eyes amidst all the joking.  I still have the Marlin, too.

Offline grizzy57

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2003, 02:57:53 AM »


Offline THE#1hunter

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2003, 07:29:26 AM »
congrats :grin:
Good Luck, Be Safe, and God Bless  :D

Ephesians 2:8
--For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of god--

Offline Dave in WV

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2003, 02:57:55 AM »
Thanksgiving Day 1991 when my son got his first buck. He was 14 at the time. One shot through the neck as it faced him.  :grin:
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Offline longwinters

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What is your most memorable moment while hu
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2003, 03:06:53 PM »
Shooting a 10 pt. with my Thompson contender pistol in 7-30 waters . . . with my youngest son with me.  Lots of hoopin and hollerin agoin on. :-D
Life is short......eternity is long.