I love it when a plan comes together the first time around, Just cant beat the Internet and the quick fixes that it can bring.
I ran Outlook 97' for several years along with the Complete Microsoft Office addition. This has been great but if you ever get a message from you AV (especially Norton) that say's there is a problem because (hal.dll) is missing, I can give you a copy.
I have been running Outlook 2007 (and office) for a while now and it is a little more personal giving you more bells & whistles than the more buisness like applications and restrictions of 97'
My only complaint is that Microsoft Outlook say's that a Microsoft Access database is too dangerous to send over the e-mail. GO Figure!!
I really like my comprehensive Access databases with it's easy to use query's and links but they are virtually worthless unless I pass out hand copys to those interested.
Many a time when a friend or realitive needed an .exe file, any givin e-mail program may not do this because it was an .exe We were able to get around this by having the sender changing the .exe extension to .txt then the reciever would change it back to .exe and all would be well. The programmers have grown wise to this and it will not work all of the time so we simply send these files by compressing (or zipping them) and it is working well.
I am not a Hacker and my usage is to simply restore needed or corrupt files from legal programs. This has become more unnessary as of recent because a lot of corrupt or missing Windows\System files are avalible for download off the Internet. We still get caught now & again on e-mail that refuses to send simple stuff because it is proclaimed to be too dangerous so we simply zip them up.