Author Topic: How do you lower your hammer on a CZ75.  (Read 1948 times)

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How do you lower your hammer on a CZ75.
« on: April 01, 2008, 06:34:07 AM »
I have a CZ75, and its a great shooter.  I so far have only shot it at the range.  I am going to start carrying it.  I put on a set of rubber Hogue grips and it feels great.

I am left handed.  I usually carry a double action revolver.  In the past I carried a 1911 with the hammer down on a loaded chamber and on an empty chamber.  My Walther ppk has a nice saftey/decocker to lower the hammer. but its a .380 and I wanted something a little bigger.

I was practicing lowering the hammer on my CZ75 at the range on a live round, and it was not that easy to get it down.  The half cock notch would catch it if I released the trigger too soon.

Do any of you carry it on half cock?  Fully down?  or condition 1, cocked with the saftey on?

I prefer the hammer all the way down on a live round. 

Offline superdown

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Re: How do you lower your hammer on a CZ75.
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2008, 05:42:02 PM »
 That's not the safest way to carry. the proper way to carry with a 1911 is cocked and locked with the safety on . their is no "transfer bar " on a 1911. I don't have any personal experience with a CZ 75 but i would never carry any pistol / revolver that did not have a transfer bar type safety or safe action style pistol with a live round under the hammer. superdown
I prefer the hammer all the way down on a live round.

Offline Barbegris

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Re: How do you lower your hammer on a CZ75.
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2008, 05:11:59 AM »
The CZ,s with a decocker lower the hammer to the safety notch and not all the way down.....probably a good idea for you too.
Some people don't like the idea of lowering the hammer manually but if you release the trigger as soon as the hammer is free to move you can lower it safely to the half cock position.
If your worried about slipping just block the hammer fall with the web of your weak hand while lowering...

Offline Norseman

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Re: How do you lower your hammer on a CZ75.
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2008, 11:41:28 AM »
Is your CZ a CZ-75 or a CZ-75B?  The CZ-75B (The type I own) contrary to the advice of Superdown has a firing pin Block safety.  It is designed to safely carry a round in the chamber ready to go.  It makes no sense to me to carry the CZ-75B cocked and locked although you can under certain tactical situations and is still safe (unless while holstered you accidentally swipe it down and there you are... ready to blow your family jewels off if you then accidentally swipe the trigger (Murfy's Law)- This option of carry gives me the creeps!  The CZ-75 doesn't have the block, although I consider it safe to carry it with a round in the chamber.  As long as you don't drop it from a hundred feet up on concrete and it lands just at the right angle for the firing pin to come down and contact the primer of the cartridge.  Note:  The firing pin block safety is often time called an inertial firing pin block  (CZ-75B).
As for lowering the the hammer?   It is similar to lowering the hammer on a revolver.  Practice with an UNLOADED CZ-75 and it will become second nature.  If this still gives you the creeps use your other hand and grab the hammer with your thumb and index finger, and with the other hand on the trigger and do it, always pointing in a safe direction.  The CZ-75 is one of the best pistols in the work.  To be honest, decockers gave me the creeps more than a single/double action.  That snap during decock...whoa.   Although my SIG-226 I carry for duty has one I honestly say that I like the CZ-75B better.  Practice!