Author Topic: Preferred method or weapon  (Read 1796 times)

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Offline jmayton

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Preferred method or weapon
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:51:20 AM »
Ok, I've only been hog hunting for a little over a year now, but I work to control the population on a 6000 acre ranch for the owner.  It's more akin to a prairie dog hunt, but the dogs are larger and move around.  I've hunted with dogs and a knife, but not owning the necessary dogs myself, I mostly rifle hunt.  I've used a Savage 110 in 30-06, M1 carbine, M44 Mosin Nagant, NEF Handi Rifle in .223, and a Colt M4.  All are scoped rifles.  I also carry a pistol as I have to chase pigs into the brush at times and the ammo is cheaper for those all-too-often-necessary final kill shots.  I've carried a S&W 36 in .38, a S&W 66 in .357, a 1911, and a Glock in .40.  Lately I've been carry in the Colt and the Glock for the light weight and quick follow-up shots.  I got 3 sows out of one herd the other day.  The most I can usually get with a bolt gun is 2 and I can also do that with my single as well.  So 3 was great.  Could've been 4 if I was a better shot.  Anyway, I drive around until I see some then get out and walk a bit closer.  Sometimes I walk into areas that I expect pigs to be. 

That's what I use and how I use it, just wondering what everyone else does and prefers.


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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2008, 08:34:50 AM »
We use dogs and sharp knifes. IMHO the best way to control hogs, but if I have to shoot them I like my savage 308 or savage 270 with a good scope for night shots if needed. The farmers I work for carry SKS, AR10's and such and just shoot into the heard. Any of the rifles you mentioned should not need a follow up shot if the shot is placed right in the ear hole. As far as pistols go. A good revolver in 44mag or 45 lc with full house loads. Can not be beat. AN don't forget about the 41 mag as well. The 357 and 38 rounds may do the job( I have killed hogs with them), but are not the best round for hogs IMHO. A 40cal will do the job with the right loads as well. Good luck an good hunting. If ya can a good dog or two would help with your problems as well. If you know where the hog is take a catchdog in and turn it loose on the hog and then stick it with your knife. Cheaper on shells that way.

Offline jmayton

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2008, 09:09:32 AM »
I have a couple of buddies here who hunt with dogs and I've gone with them a time or two.  We still carry pistols after a big boar killed a couple of his dogs.  He uses BMCs and Catahoula's primarily, but I think he has a BMC/Blue Lacey mix right now that he's training.  We thought my Corgi might be a good locator dog after it attacked one of his BMCs but we've never taken him out.  He couldn't keep up...short little legs and all.  It was just an interesting idea.  As for caliber, I've had my best luck with the .223 in the ear.  I'm usally away from anything that can serve as a rest with pigs on the move anywhere from 40-200 yards.  I'd like to meet someone who can hit one in the ear every time in any situation at any lethal range.  I've taken 14 hogs since the first of the year so far (most is 5 in one day).  Most of those were one-shot kills, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had to finish a few off with a second shot.

Offline efremtags

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2008, 02:58:22 PM »
Hunting with dogs in Florida, the pistol gets the nod. I've used 44mag with hardcast, but you have to pay attention to dogs to be sure you don't shoot through and hit one accidentaly.

I have used bow, but did not like it as a compound is not really set up for fast paced, close shooting. I bet a recurve would be good for this, but I don't shoot one.

I used a muzzleloader once on spot and stalk early in the morning before we used dogs. That was cool too. Hogs are not that hard to kill with good shot placement.

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2008, 06:17:32 AM »
Everybody is using large caliber rifles.  I do too but wish to weigh in on the 22 LR.  I have killed up to four in a row with head shots from a steady rest using a Ruger K77/22RP.  At the report of a 22LR the hogs do not flee.  They startle but don't flee.  Typically the rest settle down to rooting again within a minute or two and will continue to eat right next to their dead buddy.  The success is to hit them in the head to kill them right there.  Flopping hogs on the ground will startle the rest to flee.  Just my $0.02.

Offline myronman3

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2008, 06:44:56 AM »
sounds like i am in the wrong profession.

Offline jmayton

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2008, 09:58:33 AM »
I've never used a 22lr but I guess I would if it was all I had.  I actually prefer the challenge of the .223 single shot but because I'm trying to control a population as much as possible, the AR has been more effective.  I've had them stand around for a few seconds at after I shot one at 200+ yards.  I might try my 22lr just to see what happens if I can get close to a big herd.

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2008, 10:29:04 AM »
Most of my hogs have been killed with a cheap old CVA .50 caliber muzzleloader.   Got 19 hogs last year; one with a .22, one with a .223, one with a .30-06 and the rest with the muzzle loader.   Most were bang flops. 

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2008, 08:18:40 PM »
I do not use a rifle. The jungle in Hawaii is to dense. I use a .357 Mag with heavy loads. It seems to do the trick.
If out with my dogs i use a bowie knife. Can't go wrong with those catahoula's they are fearless.

Offline gstewart44

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2008, 10:18:24 AM »
My favorite weapon has evolved over the years.   I first started with 30/06 and a shoulder/heart shot.   Then I realized the 06 just tore up too much meat.    From there out I started using head/ear shot only.  With that placement any round will do.   I have used a 22LR and 17HMR most recently and have observed like the previous poster said that the report will startle the hogs but not run them off.   I only take the shot that is in the ear.  The 17 HMR is an FMJ bullet and scrambles the brains well. 
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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2008, 01:22:41 AM »
Quote from: myronman3
sounds like i am in the wrong profession.

Let's be clear, I am a recreational BBQ subsidizer.  I am not in the "Clearing House" business - and I envy those of you that are. 

Going out four or five times to kill hogs, potentially one-at-a-time, for one BBQ is attractive for just being "out there".  However, I am relegated to only 20 acres of hunting "territory" and envy you guys and gals with 100's and 1000's of huntable acres.

Being quick, quiet, and efficient means the difference between three hours or 23 hours of effort for one BBQ.

Offline jmayton

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2008, 05:19:11 AM »
Quote from: myronman3
sounds like i am in the wrong profession.

Let's be clear, I am a recreational BBQ subsidizer.  I am not in the "Clearing House" business - and I envy those of you that are. 

The hogs around here are a real pest.  I hunt for this guy because he wants them gone.  Which means i have to try to kill as many as possible without disturbing or harming his deer, turkey, and cattle.  So i take a lot of backstrap, but leave a lot of pigs for the buzzards.  I wouldn't do that if there were fewer hogs or if I was on public land.  This is what the land-owner has me come out for.  I guess they're kinda like big, tough, mobile prairie dogs.  I've seen a large herd with over 40 in it (I was counting as fast as I could and lost track of which ones had been counted when I got to 40)!  But, bottom line, hunt the pigs, enjoy the opportunity, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2008, 03:02:06 PM »
I can see an advantage for you in using solid bullets, shooting from the prone position (low to the ground), using a high capacity-semi-auto rifle (spray and wound/kill as many as is possible), and aligning as many pigs in one shot as is possible.  Long range may or may not be an asset. 

You will NEVER get to the end of the line of pigs.  Once established in an area, they are there to stay.  They will outlive us and our children's children too.  Another poster (deer hunting) said that hogs were walking "bullet traps" and laughingly I agree.  Quite fun. very good to eat, and danged difficult to eradicate.

Offline jmayton

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2008, 05:31:17 AM »
Yep, the AR has become my preferred hog gun, but my bullets are 55gr Sierra GameKings pushed by 20.9grs of H4198.  It works well and puts them down fast.  We went out Friday afternoon and got 3.  One large sow my father-in-law took with his 30-06 and 2 30-40 pounders that I took with my .40S&W because they were so close that I couldn't focus through my it was quite dark....gotta love night sights.

Actually, I've never shot one from prone...grass is too high.  But I did take one at 280yds off of shooting sticks. 

And, yeah, I know I can never kill them off.  But, I'll continue to try my best.

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Re: Preferred method or weapon
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2008, 03:56:57 PM »
The best weapon on any hog hunt is a roll of good duct tape.  catch'em tape up and takem home