i have a knack for slapping names on folks that stick.
one guy got the handle 'motorhead' cause he was obviously using something. everyone was afraid of him going bonkers and because of that, no one ever knew his name anyway. him and i got along, and he kinda liked it. so it stuck. funny thing was when it was used, people knew exactly who he was.
another i named 'cornmeal', cause he was a poser and he wanted us to call him 'oatmeal'; the guy didnt even ride. i ended up labeling him 'cornmeal'. that was a combination between 'oatmeal' and another reference that was a bit obscene and just a tad too cool for him, so i combined the two. that effectively dumbed it down and took the shine off of it, at which point he lost interest. of course, then it stuck because he didnt like it. lol.
yet another moron that crossed my path i dubbed 'geraldo', after the moron geraldo rivera. the resemblance was uncanny, everyone was thinking it but too polite to say anything. after a while he wasnt the center of attention, and tried to vent on me for some reason. anyhow, from there on out i wasnt polite to him and he was 'geraldo' from there on. good fun.
one guy i labeled 'smiley', a manager at work. at the time i was involved with the union at work, and we browbeat the guy needlessly. that was a time that i wish i could take back as he was a nice guy and did not deserve any of what we did or said. i was never said to his face; but i still feel bad because it emboldened some people into giving him a harder time than he deserved. i do feel bad about that one, but it was perfect for him in that it fit him to a "t".
boy i got stories. lol. fun to walk down memory lane.