I buy and sell truck/tractors and trailers, none of the trucking co. can pay $4.00 a gal. for fuel
and haul for 6 month ago freight rates and stay in business very long, the owner operators have been
becoming fewer and fewer for years this put many of them out of bus. Many of the 3-4 truck
operators are parking the equipment that is paid for and selling the ones that are not. Many of the
owners that are leased to a big co. are still getting the same rate per mile, but do get a fuel surcharge
not enough, but it keeps them thinking they are OK. It is strange to us that we keep hearing of recession
things are going down hill but we keep selling almost as many flatbed trailers each month as before.
flatbed trailers sales is a sure sign of construction, some one is building some where. In the transportation
business seems like every 7-10 years their is a changing of the guard, some go broke, then new people
come along and get in the business and it starts again. Think about this, IF YOU HAVE IT A TRUCK BROUGHT IT. when trucks in the U.S. stop the U.S stops unless you have a railroad spur very close by.