I found the Unique that stimpylu32 recommended and am having a ball shooting 10 gr. under a 300gr laser cast bullet. Like shooting a 22, great fun. Anyway the other day my son in law comes over and wants to shoot my new 45/70 guide gun. I've tried hard to like this guy but his part time work ethic and full time know everything attitude just doesn't work for me, so I put on my old hunting jacket and load 30 of the Unique loaded shells in the left pocket and 30 of 300 gr laser cast bullets over 60 gr of IMR 3031 in the right. I load 4 light loads in the gun and fire away, then load 4 of the 3031 in and hand it to him to shoot. After about 20 rounds he remembered he had something else to do. My daughter called that night and asked me if I had beat him with a stick cause his face was black and blue. I suppose I should feel bad but I've been too busy chuckling to get there. Had to tell someone, don't dare tell my wife.