Congress..what a bunch of pass-the-buck wimps that wouldn't know the truth if it hit them between the eyes ! I do excuse the minority whoever they are,
who had the courage to buck the "anti-American" crowd..
This bunch of saps have crippled our economy and our nation by their anti American actions ! They whine about how it would take "ten years" to get
the oil on line if they voted for it now ! Frankly, I think they are intentionally cover for whoever bought them it Sierra club radicals or the
Saudi royal family !
What has been left unsaid, is that if congress had gotten off their lazy, greedy butts and put through comprehensive legislation as soon as they knew the
problem was looming..we would have been using that oil for the past twenty years ! ...DUH
Instead, many chose to exacerbate the problem, by voting the abundant reserves off shore and in ANWR "off limits" while every other country in the oil business
are at this moment, sucking OUR reserves away with offshore drilling !
They also voted against new refineries..just in case we did get enough oil somehow and many don't want wind power. Can you think of any better way to give our
national economy a sucker punch ?..The same idiots also voted against new nuclear power plants,..but they keep Heating & cooling their mansions, flying in private jets
and riding their fat posteriors in limos..
Then we see someone like Bob "sheets" Byrd, making a spectacle of himself, blubbering how he "loves" Teddy Kennedy..well fine !..But he should remember,
the mother of Teddy's children doesn't love Teddy that much !
Is it any wonder some disenchanted folks were into celebrating Guy Fawkes Day ?