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Offline 30-06man

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2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« on: May 30, 2008, 10:47:09 AM »
Well I went to pick up my son and nephew at school today and they were telling me about their first class which is suppose to help with life and such and they said their teacher brought up gun control and asked the students to vote. 98%percent with the exception of 3 hunters and shooters supported more restricts or a total ban on guns. The teacher who was a History teacher was corrected by my son and nephew when the teacher said " What do you think about the 3rd Amendment the right to bear arms?". The teacher was embarrassed when he was corrected by my son and nephew. I know most of the High School kids don't understand the laws but a 30 waiting period on a gun and other things mentioned is ridiculous and it won't get guns out of criminals hands even if they think it will. The class is about 90% black democrap supporters the rest are white students brought up in the city and moved to the south and the rest(3) have been brought up around hunting and shooting. I am afraid what the future will hold for my son and nephew. What do yall think?
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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2008, 11:48:02 AM »
I had to have a sit down with my 6 year old daughter after she told me it was wrong to kill god's animals. The schools put their own ideas into the heads of these kids. I would request a meeting with their teacher and explain that you're a hunting and shooting family and don't appreciate their imposing their liberal views on your kids. They are there to teach not to instill their own values into these kids.

I had a situation where I took my son shooting for the first time. I think he was 9 or so and he was so proud he brought some empty 22 shells in to school to show his friends. Needless to say I had to have a meeting with his principal and was expecting an expulsion or suspension or some kind of disciplinary action. She just said it's my business what I do with my own children and make sure he keeps it at home. I got lucky in this modern day environment. If it wasn't a catholic school I think it would have turned out differently.

Look back to when you were a kid. Didn't any of your teachers try to push their values on you? I had a science teacher in gradeschool that made us all write letters to stop harp seal harvesting. We didn't know any better and followed along. What does that have to do with gradeschool science?

My point is I agree with you, kids that don't know any better are going to follow the teachers' views because they look up to him/her. At least you instilled your kids with the proper values.

That's one of the things I hate about anti gun people. Most of them have never even held a gun much less shot one, so how are they experts on anything? I think if they went shooting with a responsible gun owner and saw that after shooting at a target you DON'T feel like going to the mall with an uzi, or go to the NRA convention and see exactly what kind of people are there, regular everyday people and how movingly patriotic the speakers are maybe they would see it a little clearer.




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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 12:11:26 PM »
The schools are mostly anti-gun. My son many years ago was asked by a teacher if he hand guns in his home. My son told her it was none of here business. I knew the subject was going to come up in school, so I prepared my son for the exact question.
Later that day I get a call from the Principal, telling me what my son had told his teacher, and I politely told them, it was none of there business what is in my home.
Schools are a breading ground for future anti-gun and anti- hunter flag wavers.

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2008, 01:05:28 PM »
They are slowly taking apart the second amendment. Once they get there way, what other amendment is next? >:(

Offline ms

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2008, 01:25:21 PM »
That's sounds alot like my high school back in 87. But most of the black guys were pro gun they brought them to school all the time in Detroit.

Offline kevthebassman

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2008, 01:27:30 PM »
What do you expect?  The public school system is designed to be an idiot factory.  Critical thinking is discouraged, absolute unquestioning allegiance to the liberal agenda is encouraged.  If you think that this is by accident, then you're a bigger fool than what the schools are churning out!

No, this nation as we know it is going to be dead in 50 years unless there's a major awakening.  I don't see an awakening in our future, sadly.  Panem et circenses, bread and circuses.  Only now, it's McDonald's and American Idol.  We've got our schools churning out easily manipulated idiots, and our politicians are manipulative and power-hungry, so naturally they pander to the lowest common denominator.  They've got a fool-proof cycle.

Our founding fathers would weep if they saw the state of this nation, and the Republicans are every bit as much at fault as the Democrats.

Offline 30-06man

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2008, 02:49:35 PM »
I had to have a sit down with my 6 year old daughter after she told me it was wrong to kill god's animals. The schools put their own ideas into the heads of these kids. I would request a meeting with their teacher and explain that you're a hunting and shooting family and don't appreciate their imposing their liberal views on your kids. They are there to teach not to instill their own values into these kids.

I had a situation where I took my son shooting for the first time. I think he was 9 or so and he was so proud he brought some empty 22 shells in to school to show his friends. Needless to say I had to have a meeting with his principal and was expecting an expulsion or suspension or some kind of disciplinary action. She just said it's my business what I do with my own children and make sure he keeps it at home. I got lucky in this modern day environment. If it wasn't a catholic school I think it would have turned out differently.

Look back to when you were a kid. Didn't any of your teachers try to push their values on you? I had a science teacher in gradeschool that made us all write letters to stop harp seal harvesting. We didn't know any better and followed along. What does that have to do with gradeschool science?

My point is I agree with you, kids that don't know any better are going to follow the teachers' views because they look up to him/her. At least you instilled your kids with the proper values.

That's one of the things I hate about anti gun people. Most of them have never even held a gun much less shot one, so how are they experts on anything? I think if they went shooting with a responsible gun owner and saw that after shooting at a target you DON'T feel like going to the mall with an uzi, or go to the NRA convention and see exactly what kind of people are there, regular everyday people and how movingly patriotic the speakers are maybe they would see it a little clearer.

I never had this problem when I was in school. Heck sometimes after school we would meet up with our teachers and go hit a dove field in Sept.
The schools are mostly anti-gun. My son many years ago was asked by a teacher if he hand guns in his home. My son told her it was none of here business. I knew the subject was going to come up in school, so I prepared my son for the exact question.
Later that day I get a call from the Principal, telling me what my son had told his teacher, and I politely told them, it was none of there business what is in my home.
Schools are a breading ground for future anti-gun and anti- hunter flag wavers.

That's not normal around here. Yeah a few people are like that but many aren't that's why when he told me I took it as a shock in a way. I have been to his school and know many of the teachers because I went to High School with them back a long time ago. Many of them have their trophy's from hunting mounted in their class rooms. I am calling the school district and talking to the teacher soon I hope.
What do you expect?  The public school system is designed to be an idiot factory.  Critical thinking is discouraged, absolute unquestioning allegiance to the liberal agenda is encouraged.  If you think that this is by accident, then you're a bigger fool than what the schools are churning out!

No, this nation as we know it is going to be dead in 50 years unless there's a major awakening.  I don't see an awakening in our future, sadly.  Panem et circenses, bread and circuses.  Only now, it's McDonald's and American Idol.  We've got our schools churning out easily manipulated idiots, and our politicians are manipulative and power-hungry, so naturally they pander to the lowest common denominator.  They've got a fool-proof cycle.

Our founding fathers would weep if they saw the state of this nation, and the Republicans are every bit as much at fault as the Democrats.

Yeah I agree and everyone in Washington is screwed up. The reason as I take it as a shock is I still live in a small town but it has grown up a bunch since I was a kid and here lately I have noticed more and more subdivisions coming up.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


Offline victorcharlie

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2008, 02:08:04 AM »
And, the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto is?
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue."
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Offline Beers

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2008, 04:13:17 AM »
Hell, I think our community would run that teacher out. We literally don't have any NON hunting and shooting families out my way. I live in Maidsville WV, you seriously can't find any anti's till you start getting close to Morgantown. Amazing what a difference 20 miles can make....

My history teacher also taught an after school Hunter Safety course, I don't know of any male students that didn't attend, and a good chunk of the girls in class showed as well. My phys. ed. teacher used to bring in vids of his prairie dog shoots. Hell, no one even went to school on the first day of buck season, all the kids and teachers were in the woods. Our teachers would've been surprised to hear from a kid that didn't have guns in their home. All depends on where you live.

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2008, 04:41:46 AM »
Sadly, Beers, communities that are hunting oriented are small and far apart while the large, Mcdonalds and American Idol schools are everywhere. Also, don't forget the Charleston Gazette is the sleaziest, gun-grabbing yellow sheet in the USA.  Even here in rural WV, I see more and more young lads that had rather use the week off from school to sit on their asses and play game boy than they had deer hunt.

I would certainly be writing a letter to the school superintendent about the teacher's bias distortion of the consitution and his ignorance of which bill is which.
Sad to say, but I think Kev is right. 

Offline kevthebassman

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2008, 04:44:16 AM »
Communities like that are rare indeed.  Well, I shouldn't say that they're rare, because they really aren't all THAT rare.  It's just that there are very few people that live in those communities, and a whole bunch of people that live in the big cities.  When you remove the people from nature, they see no reason to hunt or own guns.

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2008, 10:14:02 AM »
Thanks to this thread my kids now know how to answer the question if it comes up at school

Offline Cement Man

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2008, 11:09:47 AM »
Just another example................

Outrage of the Week
Friday, May 30, 2008
Outrage Of The Week


This week’s outrage comes to us from Winchendon, Massachusetts where, in yet another case of  “zero-tolerance” enforcement defying common sense, fourth-grader Bradley Geslak was suspended from Toy Town Elementary School for bringing a Memorial Day souvenir to school.


According to a May 29, article, a uniformed veteran gave the 10-year-old two empty rifle shell casings from blanks used during the town’s Memorial Day celebration Monday morning.  Bradley gave one of the empty casings to his grandfather and kept the other as a souvenir.  The trouble began when he took his souvenir to school the next day. 


“He was just playing with it at lunch,” explained Crystal Geslak, Bradley’s mother. “He wasn't showing it to anyone; he had it in his hand and was playing with it.”


A teacher saw him with the harmless piece of brass and confiscated it.  Ms. Geslak was then called at work and told to come and pick up her son, who had been suspended for five days!


Ms. Geslak arrived at the school to find her son in tears.  “I was totally shocked. I couldn’t believe this was happening,” she said.  “It was just an empty shell, not even from a real bullet.  A sharpened pencil would be more dangerous than this piece of metal.”


“He was so proud to have been given them.  His dad’s a veteran, his uncle’s a veteran, both his grandfathers are veterans.  Memorial Day is a big thing to us.  It’s a very important holiday and we have a big celebration every year,” Ms. Geslak said.


Ms. Geslak, who will be forced to miss work in order to stay home with her son, says she is worried about what having a “weapon-related suspension” on his school record will mean to his future.


To add insult to injury, the family says a school official told them that the shell would not be returned, and that the next step might involve assigning a probation officer to Bradley!  Yes, you read that right, a probation officer.


A young boy punished over a harmless souvenir.  By any standard, that’s outrageous.


If you’d like to express your concern over this incident, please visit  To leave a voice message for Brooke Clenchy, Superintendent of Schools, please call 978-297-0031. 


If you see something that you feel would be a good candidate for the “Outrage of the Week!” section, please send it to:  Please be sure to send additional background and citations where available.
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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2008, 02:22:59 PM »
unbelievable, that's what I was saying could have happened to my son. The world is turning into a strange place and I don't like most of it.




Offline 30-06man

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2008, 04:58:30 PM »
Communities like that are rare indeed.  Well, I shouldn't say that they're rare, because they really aren't all THAT rare.  It's just that there are very few people that live in those communities, and a whole bunch of people that live in the big cities.  When you remove the people from nature, they see no reason to hunt or own guns.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.
Sadly, Beers, communities that are hunting oriented are small and far apart while the large, Mcdonalds and American Idol schools are everywhere. Also, don't forget the Charleston Gazette is the sleaziest, gun-grabbing yellow sheet in the USA.  Even here in rural WV, I see more and more young lads that had rather use the week off from school to sit on their asses and play game boy than they had deer hunt.

I would certainly be writing a letter to the school superintendent about the teacher's bias distortion of the consitution and his ignorance of which bill is which.
Sad to say, but I think Kev is right. 

That's something my son takes pride in. He has no video game system and during breaks in deer and turkey season we are out hunting or something. During spring in summer we go fishing and maybe hog hunting which I am planning for this summer. He is getting ready to turn 16. He is different but most of the kids his age at his high school that hunt are the same way.
Just another example................

Outrage of the Week
Friday, May 30, 2008
Outrage Of The Week


This week’s outrage comes to us from Winchendon, Massachusetts where, in yet another case of  “zero-tolerance” enforcement defying common sense, fourth-grader Bradley Geslak was suspended from Toy Town Elementary School for bringing a Memorial Day souvenir to school.


According to a May 29, article, a uniformed veteran gave the 10-year-old two empty rifle shell casings from blanks used during the town’s Memorial Day celebration Monday morning.  Bradley gave one of the empty casings to his grandfather and kept the other as a souvenir.  The trouble began when he took his souvenir to school the next day. 


“He was just playing with it at lunch,” explained Crystal Geslak, Bradley’s mother. “He wasn't showing it to anyone; he had it in his hand and was playing with it.”


A teacher saw him with the harmless piece of brass and confiscated it.  Ms. Geslak was then called at work and told to come and pick up her son, who had been suspended for five days!


Ms. Geslak arrived at the school to find her son in tears.  “I was totally shocked. I couldn’t believe this was happening,” she said.  “It was just an empty shell, not even from a real bullet.  A sharpened pencil would be more dangerous than this piece of metal.”


“He was so proud to have been given them.  His dad’s a veteran, his uncle’s a veteran, both his grandfathers are veterans.  Memorial Day is a big thing to us.  It’s a very important holiday and we have a big celebration every year,” Ms. Geslak said.


Ms. Geslak, who will be forced to miss work in order to stay home with her son, says she is worried about what having a “weapon-related suspension” on his school record will mean to his future.


To add insult to injury, the family says a school official told them that the shell would not be returned, and that the next step might involve assigning a probation officer to Bradley!  Yes, you read that right, a probation officer.


A young boy punished over a harmless souvenir.  By any standard, that’s outrageous.


If you’d like to express your concern over this incident, please visit  To leave a voice message for Brooke Clenchy, Superintendent of Schools, please call 978-297-0031. 


If you see something that you feel would be a good candidate for the “Outrage of the Week!” section, please send it to:  Please be sure to send additional background and citations where available.

That's today's schools. They had a kid at my sons school with a hit list and they are more worried about what the student wearing a Confederate flag shirt is doing. I am going to try to help him get that archery program started  sponcered by Matthews bows in his school soon. So maybe this will send a clear message to some of the kids. I also brought up the Idea of the Clay Shooting Program and I don't think either will happen.
The sportsman lives his life vicariously. For he secretly yearns to have lived before, in a simpler time. A time when his love for the land, water, fish and wildlife would be more than just part of his life. It would be his state of mind


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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2008, 10:01:08 PM »
That shocks me.  I sent an email to the administrators listed on that web site and will call when I get off work.

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2008, 01:42:11 PM »
This business of an empty cartridge being used as a reason to eject a youngster from school is patently ridicules.  I'll give you another example of this kind of silly thinking.  In Goldendale, Washington the school complex was locked down because someone found three empty 22 rimfire cases in the parking lot.  Probably fell out of someone's pickup or stuck to the mud on someone's boot and got left behind.

What a big deal over nothing.  If they had been doing this when I was in school every kid in the country would have been driving by the school at night slingshoting empty brass into the school grounds.  We would never have been in school.

As has been posted elsewhere here when I was in high school we hunted with our instructors, they hunted on our property and we did gun repair and refinishing in the high school shop. 

Times change and in this case not for the better.

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2008, 03:34:28 PM »
The Country is definately dividing up, the drivebys think it's red vs blue, Dems vs Republicans, but I have thought for a long time that the real division is between urban and rural. Thank God for the electoral college, without it we would have lost the Country years ago.

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2008, 07:08:44 AM »
The city of 30,000 where I live has an annual event for all 6th graders in which local shooters and some governmental agencies teach woods survival, including map and compass, fire and shelter building, and safe gun handling and shooting.  Parents can help and they can also choose to have their child not participate (many do the former and no more than one or two (if any) do the latter).  The local trap club provides the facility.  The event always receives very favorable coverage in the local newspaper.

The city has a new high school under construction, and shooters were just told that the new high school will have a rifle team.  The school administrator that is the person who puts on the local Friends of NRA dinner will be the coach.  We have a 501(c)3 organization, only recently formed, that will be looking for a good buy on rimfire and air target rifles.

Efforts like this take volunteers, persistence and arm-twisting.  If your community lacks opportunities of this sort for local children, maybe you can begin to make headway by subscribing to Fur, Fish & Game and Insights magazines for your school libraries - not a great cost but a subtle beginning.  I've been told by school librarians that magazines of this sort are the most read in school libraries, and any honest school librarian will welcome almost anything that encourages reading.  I have donated gun, hunting and trapping books to school libraries, and they are checked out so often that they literally wear out.  Finally, as we all know, you can never go wrong by taking a kid shooting.

In the meantime, this is an election year.  I hope all shooters and hunters donate some time to campaigns of pro-gun candidates.    Thank you for your time.

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2008, 07:51:03 AM »
The Country is definately dividing up, the drivebys think it's red vs blue, Dems vs Republicans, but I have thought for a long time that the real division is between urban and rural. Thank God for the electoral college, without it we would have lost the Country years ago.

Interesting look at it.  That seems to be exactly what happened in Canada.  The eastern cities "control" the government and thereby all of the natural resources of the entire central and western provinces.  Elections are pretty much done by the time polls open in the western (RURAL)  part of the country.  The population centers have a huge say over rest of the land.  Of course, you see this on a state level all the time.  Here in Wisconsin, often times the Milwaukee/Madison areas really override the rest of the state, which is considerably rural.
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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2008, 08:08:08 AM »
I've lived in several western states and this always seems to be the case. One or two large cities vs. the rest of the state. When the cities have a larger population than the rural, the state is a Democrat state and vice versa.

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Re: 2ND Amendment under fire by next generation
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2008, 03:35:35 PM »
my high school had a rifle range (.22rf) IN the school.
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