When I don't hunt barefoot, I wear Cherokee-styled puckertoe/centerseam moccasins made of braintanned deer. Good stuff, but they get wet easily, I usually hunt barefoot at least until the dew dries a little. If the soles get stiff, a little grease (bear when I have it, lard when I don't) softens them up fine. I don't grease anything but the stiff parts (usually the very soles), in spite of what you'd think the grease doesn't do much to waterproof.
There's a heck of a good pattern here:
http://www.nativetech.org/seminole/moccasins/index.php , the link for the instructions is at the bottom of the page. Once you've made the first pair and gotten over being nervous about cutting that fine hide, all you need is the hide, a sharp knife, a piece of charcoal from the fire for marking, and an awl - and your own feet for the pattern.