I've already gotten some advice and input from some of my posts as well as reading through the posts of others and alot of different web sources. Well i found a trapper ed class finally so im looking forward to my first season. However, in not really sure where to go yet. I have one place i can go for sure to set coyote and bobcat sets but its quite a ride. Then i have a much closer option but i want your thoughts on this.
Right behind our house we have a swamp that runs for a bit. I have seen many muskrats and they have made quite a mess of the area around our burning barrel.. quite a few holes. A beaver or two has been spotted a few times. I have seen a few coon tracks and we have had possum and skunk in the yard. As for background of the area, we are the last house on the road. After our driveway is a dirt road that goes into some other property im trying to get permission to hunt on. We do have one neighbor. The part i am worried about is we have cats...outside cats and alot of them also 2 dogs but they can reach the swamp area. So what is your opinion. I thought this may be a good place to start. I will have to be very careful on my sets but it should get my feet wet so to speak. Do you think the area could be trapped safely. Im not looking really have have a huge fur pile for my first year but more to use it to learn and have a few new experiences. If so how would you recommend i set up. What kind of sets and what should i use. I thought float sets may be the safest as i can get them out in the water wear our "PETS" cant reach them. But i also see a few muskrat trails that are very tempting but can easily be found by the cats. As for my equipment, i have a dozen #1 stop loss, 2 dozen 110 conibears,a dozen 1 1/2 coil springs, some 1 3/4 coils, 160 conibears, 330s, and i think some 4 coil springs. I dont remember exactly but i have 4 full milk crates of traps