Holiday: there was an article in one of the recent gun mags about short barrelled Vaqueros - this one in particular was shortened to 4" and had the birds head grip. Honestly, it was the prettiest Ruger I have ever seen and would drive me to get one even if it is a Ruger. It is the closest looking thing to a SAA that I have seen come out of the Ruger shops, and it sure looks sweet. If you're thinking about getting back into handgun hunting that one might be the ticket. And, you need not worry about the capability of the 45 Colt and whitetail, as long as you don't try to outshoot the cartridge. 44 Man gives you some good advice on loads, too.
I have often thought about a SAA for a belt gun while afield and I don't have any problems with the 45 Colt cartridge. Most often I carry a 45 acp and there is little practical difference between the two rounds but that danged Ruger sure looked sweet.............but, so do the Cimarrons in 4 and 5/8 with the original finish..............hmmmmmm, this could be a problem. So many guns, so few hands. Mikey.