Author Topic: anybody ever attended an academy  (Read 910 times)

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Offline williamlayton

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anybody ever attended an academy
« on: November 26, 2003, 01:57:15 AM »
have any of you folks ever attended a firearms academy? i'm asking about a self defense, handgun academy such as offered by SIG-not a law enforcement academy. was it of any benefit? i was thinking of the sig but it is a LOOOONG ways off. any one you know of round texas?

Offline Savage

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anybody ever attended an academy
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2003, 10:55:21 AM »
Are you kidding? How about Thunder Ranch in Mt Home, Texas? Never been there, but I might just have to make the pilgrimage! Think I'll look at the map and locate Mt Home, Texas is a big place!
Stay Safe,
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Offline lostone1413

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anybody ever attended an academy
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2003, 12:58:24 PM »
If you want  to dive some one of the best ones in the country is just a little outside Prescott Arizona Sure you have heard of it it's called gunsite They have a web page I haven't been their cost to much for me but have talked to some who have gone said it is well worth the money

Offline Savage

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« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2003, 01:57:33 PM »
If you're not already doing it, find a club in your area that holds IDPA matches. It's not formal training as in an academy, but a good grounding in basics. Did I mention it's a hell of a lot of fun! If you shoot these matches regularly you'll improve your shooting and defensive skills dramatically without having to take out a loan. Just a thought, bet you'd love it.
Stay Safe,
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Offline williamlayton

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anybody ever attended an academy
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2003, 04:11:26 PM »
well savage that is a thought, an a goodun. i been thinking bout that too. i'm gettin older an my nerves aint as steady as they were once--least it's my story that they were good once. probably jest my imagination though.
sounds like fun though.
mt homes is close to dallas i thunk-could be wrong bout that too.

Offline DEPUTY

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anybody ever attended an academy
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2003, 05:18:09 PM »
Having been to several scholls including the ranch and several at gunsite i can also say look at tdi in ohio very good school, also look around your area for some smaller schools that host instructors i have put on a few here in michigan as well as my own training i teach!

Offline redial

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anybody ever attended an academy
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2003, 07:19:05 PM »
Like DEPUTY, I've been to Paulden Arizona more'n once and I used to teach a lot. In fact, I met the lovely Mrs. Redial when she attended a class I taught!

How much you get out of anyone's instruction depends on three things - your level of experience, how well the material is covered and under what conditions, and your ability to absorb and apply the information.

One advantage the smaller academies have is that they can fine tune the curriculum to accommodate the students. If you have advanced students mixed with neophytes as you often do at the bigger outfits, someone will be either bored or overwhelmed.

I've never been to Clint Smith's place but I'm dying to. Friends who've attended rave about the layout and the equipment. Look hard at Thunder Ranch!


Offline williamlayton

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anybody ever attended an academy
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2003, 12:33:56 AM »
well-what got me to even think this might be fun was reading the stuff on the sig site. seems as though they have good facilities, instructors and a fair course offering that looked like it would be fun as well as informative. the prices doan seem toooo bad, ceptin, fer me, as i would have to drive a long way an stay sumwhere. tha drivin doan bother me as i would kinda like to see sum of tha country tween here an thar. but tha $$$$s' overall would probable be as much as an expensive shool round here. boys i'm gonna look at some of these others ya'll have brought up-i like the idpa savage brung up too. anyway, i would like to get somethin outta the school also.
ya know we all need ta realize we are not as good and smart as we think we are--well, er, i'm certain bout that fer me anywho. :oops:
ps-- if'n ya'll know bout some of them classes round this neck that ya would like to tell bout i'd be interested.

Offline Savage

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« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2003, 03:16:06 AM »
As Deputy and Redial pointed out, your proficiency level should dictate the type of training you can most benifit from. If you shoot for fun and to stay proficient with your defensive tools, get in a local club and attend some of their matches. You just might find that's exactly what you are looking for! There has got to be a lot of good clubs in the Houston area. Go to the IDPA website and look for affilated clubs in your area, you'll have more fun than the law allows!! A lot of clubs offer basic and advanced tatical training put on by some guest instructors from the well known schools. These courses are anywhere from 1-5 days long and eliminate the major expense of travel and lodging as you can stay at home and drive to the range daily! Suarez International has put on several classes in my club, along with the boys from the great facility in Mississippi. Great bunch, wish I could think of their name-----------Anyway, you get the idea, all the fun, pratice, and training can be had at home, without the expense. I bet deputy travels to clubs and departments to train within his state. Don't make me come down there, load you up and take you to an IDPA match!!!
Stay Safe,
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Offline williamlayton

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anybody ever attended an academy
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2003, 03:44:16 AM »
yesir mr savage sir.

Offline DEPUTY

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« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2003, 05:37:24 AM »
Yeap i teach about 2 classes a month and my own training, plus dept stuff plus my private students!  also clints classes are full  this is hi slast year at texas he and hiedi are opening a school in the west  at her parents land opening in 2005 i belive.

Offline Savage

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« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2003, 06:05:06 AM »
Right you are deputy------Saw the info on the new western site the other day!
Stay Safe,
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Offline JOE MACK

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« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2003, 08:30:43 PM »
I'd say look into Thunder Ranch or on of the well known traveling instructors like Gabe. Also, you might think about picking up a Front Sight certificate for a few hundred dollars and attend the four day handgun class. With the low price of the cert, it would give some leeway for travel and motel. I've attended the school at Gunsite (I stay with a friend that lives 5 miles away), Thunder Ranch, Front Sight, and attended seminars by Suarez and Taylor to name just a couple. I always learn something to take away from the class. I feel that firearms self-defense can't be learned from a book or video just as the martial arts can't. Also, I've met some real nice people at every class and some I communicate with regularly. RKBA! 8)
JOE MACK aka Brian aka .41FAN


Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2003, 03:32:32 PM »
mr savage sir-reportin as ordered sir.
found one in friendwood that seems right handy-think i'll check em out. and by the way i'll be needin sum money, er,well cash up front if i join into this thing. it's just like the cas-now i'd have to buy a scabbard an such.
well it does seem to parallel cas or does cas parallel it? not sure. anywho, there's some gear ta get.

Offline Savage

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« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2003, 12:20:07 AM »
All you need is an approved holster and double mag pouch. The Fobus rigs come to mind. You can be geared up for about $50, that includes ear and eye protection. Just about any cover garment will work. IDPA rules allow you to shoot at least two matches before you are required to join IDPA. Club membership is usually not a requirement. All of the matches in my area are open to the public. Next match show up with a safe gun and holster, at least three mags, ear and eye protection, a long shirt or jacket, 100 rds of ammo, and match fees. I bet they'll make you feel right at home. That's the beauty of IDPA, you don't have to invest in costumes
and custom equipment. Don't know what kind of gun you're going to shoot, but there's most likely a class for it! Go have fun!!! Go to the IDPA web site and read up on the classes and rules, you'll see what I mean.
Stay Safe,
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Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2003, 02:25:51 AM »
yesir, mr savage, sir-
wul i done done all that. yessir, already looked at them rules an requirements an such. even went lookin fer tha scabbard an all. found some niceuns which lead to tha plea fer $$$$. :wink:
ya know, well i been carryin round a gun fer 40 years an never bought a scabbard. tha big guns stayed in tha vehicle. tha little ones in my front pocket.
currently own tha sig p239, p220. two ppk's, one is german and is just too nice ta shoot, the other is stainless. one S&W 38/357 light weight. guess, from what i read i can shoot most of them matches without anymore gun expense, that's kinda sad in itself cause then i'd have nother excuse ta buy one, anyway i digress, but then i got ta buy tha scabbard an such.
yup seems like i'm gonna go an watch, ya know, lurk to see what them fellers do an so on.
glad ya replied bout this stuff. saw a pitchure of them boys, thay looks real young, godalmighty savage, everbody looks young ta me. that doan bother me though cause i'm used to bein tha old fart. my son calls me that when he's tryin ta cozy up ta me fer sumthin--calls me other names tha rest of tha time.

Offline Savage

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« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2003, 12:15:53 PM »
I fit into the "old fart" category myself! I enjoy shooting with the youngsters though! You are well armed William, now if you just had a 1911!! Maybe you do need just one more gun for the CDP class! Be sure and carry your gear when you go to watch, you might just end up shooting. Then you'll be hooked!
Have Fun,
An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last,

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2003, 01:51:32 PM »
howintheworld am i gonna get by with nother gun? the bw is gonna get suspecious if'n i have ta buy nother box ta keep it in--an btw i begged YOU fer some cash an last i checked ya jest ignorned that part. anywho i'm really tryin ta wait an see what ta make of tha granite-hate to be the first but shore doan want ta be tha last.

Offline Savage

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« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2003, 12:21:00 AM »
Advice is free, and usually worth what you pay for it. Guns, on the otherhand are not. I tell my wife how good an investment guns are. Much better than gold or diamonds. Everytime I buy a new one, it's like I'm investing in her future!! I may retire again after the first of the year, (second time) if I do, I'll make at leas two matches a month. Houston is not all that far, might make one or two down that way before I'm done. Hope you will follow up and attend some IDPA matches in your area. It's more fun than any shooting sport I've tried!!!
Stay Safe,
An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last,