If you shoot a string loop, it will add about an inch to the draw anyway. Many bows are adjustable and many others can be changed by switching cams or modules out. I have shot anything from 29-31. The 31 was a mistake, i was trying to push some extra fps out of her. I have shot the 29 on one bow due to the design of the bow it fit better on others I have shot 29 because I was shooting a string loop and other have shot 30 because of fit and with a string loop. Each release is different too some will allow for a longer type draw others will not. I would ask if the bow could be adjusted this will allow you some leway depending on what else you decide to shoot with it release, string loop ect. How did you determine what you need? If you were measured, find some bows in 25, 26, or maybe more and less and accually shoot them this will be the best way to make up you mind as to what you are comfortable with.