.45-70 Govt. The ultra was a lemon, from the word go. Bought it 2 yrs. ago, for the boy to take on our Idaho bear hunt. It stuck cases really bad. Had chamber reamed. Still had issues, until we dried the chamber out, and left the bore dirty. I tried to talk him into a different gun, almost 1 1/2 yrs. ago. No dice. He grew up hunting deer with a 20 ga. tracker II. He still has it, has killed about 20 deer with it. He took the ultra to Idaho, and killed a bear at about 200 yds. with the 180 gr. noslers. Long story short, my boy travels a lot, and his shooting time is limited. He's home before the trip, and on the 3d shot, the gun wouldn't cock. The transfer bar broke. My smith fixed it, but neglected to proof fire it. I got busy, and didn't fire it either. The boy gets home, and we go for a final site in 4 days before the hunt. It fires once, misfires, then fires again. After that, it wouldn't fire. Off to the smith. He dicks with it for 2 hrs. We leave, and go to plan B. My buddy, who went on the trip, had a handi .30-06. We go to the farm, shoot it 12-15 times and he shoots a nice group. He says he's lost all confidence in the ulta[as he should have!], and said he wouldn't take it even if it was fixed. He had to make a 180 mile roundtrip run to Indy to get a new 4457 customs form for the handi, so we could take it to RSA. I get a call that the gun is fixed[for now.]. Seems when the transfer bar came apart, and he soldered it, it was about .002 to high, and it wouldn't allow the hammer to hit the firing pin full force.
Boys, I'm telling you, I had more trouble with this damn gun than the 40 pluss I have owned, put together. It is going far, far away, and getting traded for a .22 for the boy. Good ridence to bad rubish!!!.
Mad Dog