There are some responsibilities that will fall on to people who want money they don't have. I would recommend to any young people out there, don't spend what you don't have, never charge anything, use cash, if you don't have it, don't buy it. For a first house, yes you will borrow money and pay interest, but use your head, get a down payment together no matter how long it takes, and don't get a 30 year loan...and even then, make as many double payments as you can during the year knocking off the principle. Live modestly, know where every penny goes, save as much as you can no matter how little you think it is. If young people have this kind of focus they will be doing well after the first house is payed off. Not all people can have the total "American dream" all at once with no effort when they are young, you have to scrimp and save and be careful, enjoy what you have over what you can get with credit. The later years will pay off big time if your careful when your younger.
You mention the poor and ignorant. Yes...I can go to a poor part of town and see poor people buying two packs of smokes and 7 lotto tickets every day, just think if they bought only one pack of smokes per week and put the rest away, what that would add up to. I didn't spend that much money per day with a decent job paying 70k per year and bennies. Cheap? Nope...just got to be responsible for my own money, savings, and debt. People want money they don't have, and sign things to get it...I can't help that, I'm not there to tell them the interest is too high, or it's not fixed...or hey, you don't have a down payment your going to pay through the nose. Then...they want a new car too....payments again, just can't drive something older I can pay to have a new car too, with no money. The reason I'm sitting better now is because of the waiting and sacrificing I did before I made decent money, and after. I stayed home a lot, drove old cars that were payed for, and never had any debt except the house and utllities, and payed off my house as fast as I could. Then things got better after that. When I sold my first house it was payed for and remodeled...took that money and put it down on a slightly better house, and payed that off as fast as I could. On my 4th house now...that's IT for me. Unless I move to another State.
Yes, if you want money you don't have, you'll pay interest on you best find a way to make that as painless as possible, it's not up to the government to make things better for you so you can have whatever you want ahead of time.
The have and the have nots....well, some of the have nots choose that style themselves and the politicians use politics of envy. America never promised anyone they could get money they did not have, and America never promised all people could have a house at 20 years old either with no down payment and not enough income to make a payment. That's a personal choice there.
Just my opinion.