Basically as a new hunter you need to be concerned about knowing exactly how capable you are with your rifle.
You need to shoot enough that you don't anticipate the shot and flinch just before the hammer falls, which can throw a shot off target.
The 06 is a great hunting rifle, but it does cause the problem of too much recoil, and flinching.
Control that with a proper firm grip on the stock, and keep your cheek tight to the stock, sqeezing and not jerking the trigger, and concentrate on the target and not on the recoil.
Shoot at 100 yards and concentrate on the mechanics of firing the rifle, and forget about range and trejectory.
Sight in at 100 yards about 2 1/2" high, and you will be right on target out to 200 if you do all the mechanics with your rifle correctly, and thus get comfortable shooting the gun.
As for how tight a group you need to for hunting purposes, you must be able to place all of your shots into a circle the size of a paper plate, and still be able to cover all the shots by placing your hand over them, and if you can do that, then you are ready to take a deer!
Once you are comfortable and build up you're confidence at 100 then you can try at 200 just for grins.
In reality most of your hunting shots will be within 125 to 50 yards range, and most will be inside of 80 yards, unless you are hunting on the high plains.
Make sure of your target, and never shoot at the animal if it is moving, facing directly at you are away from you, because those are low percentage shots that can only lead to trouble with a wounded animal.
Strive for a slightly quartering shot, or standing broadside shot, and learn to stop a deer if the deer is moving by either a sharp whistle, a loud grunt, (which I use) or even holler "Heh" and soon as the deer freezes take careful aim and fire.
The above only works on calm deer, and if the deer are spooked they will just run off faster, so just let them go, and never try a risky hail mary shot.
If you have a problem with recoil like most new hunters do, you can get some of the low recoil ammo made by Remington for that 06, and it will help you if you have that problem.
Hope this helps!