Peter Byrom was born about 1678 in England and died 1719 in Essex County, Virginia. Married Mary Nightingale about 1710 in Essex County, Virginia. Mary born about 1690 and died 1756.
Francis who married William Meador
Mary who married David Faulconer
Peter and his brother Henry were the first gunsmiths of record in the American Colonies. They were also gunsmiths in Lancashire, England before coming to America. They landed in Norfolk, Virginia in 1696.
Henry was born about 1675 in Lancashire, England and died May 1717 in Essex County, Virginia. Married Francis Mills on December 10, 1702 in Essex County, Virginia.
Their brother John born 1672, came to Virginia about 1693. There is no record of his marriage or of any children. He remained in Essex County, Virginia, until his death in 1716. They also had a sister named Margaret born 1670.
Parents of John, Margaret, Henry and Peter were Henry Byrom and Anne Callen.