Trendy: I don't think it really matters if it is your back yard or woods that are only half deep, if there is something there that likes the way you taste it'll gitcha unless you take defensive measures....
I would get up on your state's Conservation Dept. website to look for county by county reports on Lyme Disease (deer ticks), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (caused by Rocky Mtn Spotted ticks), and the incidence and reported locations of different Spider bites (some can be very painful and debilitating such as the Brown Recluse Spider bites) and others. Mosquitos used to carry Malaria and may carry other illnesses as well.
Some common defensive measures are insect repellant sprays or even dryer sheets. Even then you have to check children and pets, as well as yourself for ticks before they get into you. Pets can benefit from medications such as Advantix. I've pulled ticks off myself and my pets - most are just Pine ticks but thye will get into you just as quickly as Deer ticks.
I would first check with your Conservation Dept., then your county Health Dept and even your state Health Dept, and your Veterinarian (they know what the prevalence is of Lyme Disease in pets) - they might know which areas to avoid due to higher rates of diseases. HTH. Mikey.