Recently my “Old Friend” Mike and I were out on his street discovering and practicing using the Polling feature in our Garmin Rino units. I noticed the Zip Tie on each of his units from Wrist Strap Attachment point to loop on the heavier portion of the Wrist strap, taking any strain off the smaller diameter cord that thread through the attachment point.
I should note that Garmin uses the term Wrist Strap and Lanyard interchangeably.
Later back at the house Mike told me the story behind the use of the Zip Tie. He was hunting birds in the Dakotas with a hunter who was using the Astro Dog Tracking system. The hunter lost the Astro handheld when the small loop portion of the Wrist Strap failed.
The lost of the unit caused the owner a lot of stress, and the group of hunters focused on finding the lost unit. As luck would have it Mike found the unit.
The smaller diameter lower portion of the Wrist Strap had fail. Mike’s practical fix was to use a small Zip Tip. Mike offered me a Zip Tie for my Rino and it is now in place. I will install one on my 76Cx and advise my son and brother to do the same on the Garmin Units I have given them.
I normally carry my Garmin units in a small camera case to protect them, with the Wrist Strap loop around the shoulder strap of the camera case. I feel the camera case protects the gps unit from weather, and falls. The unit is readily available for use. The Wrist Strap becomes a backup loss prevention device.
I current have on order from Gilsson Technologies a protective case for my Garmin 76Cx. This a little switch for me. Last week I gave my brother my 76C, the protective camera case, and the 12Volt/4-pin/serial-port cable for it. The goal is to have him using the unit a lot and getting to know it without having to change batteries a lot.
Unfortunately Gilsson does not have a case for the 520/530 series Rino. They offer cases for earlier model Rino’s. I have been looking for a camera case similar to what I have been using for my other units, and I have not found one on the shelve. A hunting partner was using my 76Cx & case and I was short a case. I carried my 530HCx around in the lower pocket of my BDU’s, a practice I am not comfortable with. The 530HCx will find a home in one of my existing camera cases.
While I had the GPSGEEK page up, and Gilsson on the phone I also ordered a 12volt power cable to use with the 76C. I no longer need one with the serial port, because my current laptop does not have a serial port. years I have ordered items at GPS Geek prices by calling Gilsson’s toll free number. I prefer not to use the eBay route.
Another recommended safe gps practice is the use of a screen protector. In the past I have purchased screen protectors from a local office supply store and cut the material to fit. Mike was kind enough to order and have sent to me a screen from Invisible SHIELD. This screen protector is already cut fit.
The website provides a good video on how to install.