Last year I decided I wanted to try shotgunning clays and got a dedicated shotgun for the purpose: a Winchester Select trap model O/U. This turned out to be a really good thing. It's a good shooter, and shoots a bit "flat", i.e., the target is not much higher than the rib when making the shot.
It turns out to be good for skeet too. It comes with trap chokes but I decided to get a set of Browning Diana skeet and trap chokes, so I'm covered for both trap and skeet with the same gun.
One thing I like about it is that it is not super nice cosmetically, so I just use it as a good shooting tool. It's by no means an ugly gun, just not fancy. It's quite handsome, although some will differ about the oval motif of the checkering.
It's got the quality where it needs it. Super nice. I've seen them used for about $900 in really good shape. Makes me feel bad that I paid $1300 new. This is one of those rare really good deals in an excellent gun.