Author Topic: Paper patched bullets out of your Contender big bore?  (Read 453 times)

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Offline alan in ga

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Paper patched bullets out of your Contender big bore?
« on: July 27, 2003, 06:09:14 AM »
There are some perfect soft lead bullets ALREADY MADE that can be just right for paper patching. Take the SPEER 250 swaged SWC made for pistols. It measures .451-.452" and patches JUST RIGHT for a 45/70. No leading [if you do it right],,,super soft lead that will EXPAND,,and higher velocity than any soft lead bullet will go without the patch.
Always something fun to do with a single shot!
I killed a nice 8pt buck with a NEF 45/70 and this bullet. The Contender should have an even better bore.
alan in ga. :)

Offline Dave2of5

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Paper patched bullets in Contender Big Bore ...
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2003, 09:05:29 AM »
alan in ga;

I posted this on another link:
My T/C Contender has a custom barrel from SSK that I bought before T/C ever considered chambering the 45-70 in the Contender. It is a 14" nonported barrel. I had a discussion with JD and the folk at SSK at that time and they told me if I could handle reasonable recoil and was planning on shooting the lighter bullets (300-350 Gr) I should probably save my money on the porting, however if I were going to shoot the bigger, heavier bullets by all means port it - it will be easier on the gun.

As far as loads go I am using Reloader 7 with 325 Gr Gascheck bullets that are 'patched' with plumbers tape. Results so far seem to be good. I've got more testing to do before I take it to the field for hunting.

I heard about this on one of the links on this sight and thought I would give this a try. So far I think this idea works great and you are right - there is no reason why this won't work. There is another fella on this site that goes a step farther and not only paper patches with plumbers tape but also uses black powder or pyrodex. He say he is getting great results.

So far this is a labor of love and I am still learning what to do and what not to do, but it is really interesting. I have another bullet that I might try later - a 425 Gr. cast bullet with gas check.

(BTW - don't wrap the gas check)


Offline jhalcott

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Paper patched bullets out of your Contender
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2003, 03:42:26 PM »
Dave do you lubrisize these bullets when you use the tape?

Offline Dave2of5

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Paper patched bullets in the Contender
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2003, 07:21:22 AM »

I run them thru the sizing die to make them consistant , reduce their diameter and crimp on a gas check, but no lube. The bullet sizes to .457 and with tape comes back out to about .459 - .460. It sounds a little tight but the tape compresses very well and leaves the bullet once out of the bore. I have been thinking about getting a smaller sizing die to get down to .456.  Because the tape is teflon it is a very good lubricant. I use no other lube with the tape. Leading so far has be almost nonexistant.

I like the tape because there is no sticky grease/wax, and with the tape the natural application is to stretch it to make it adhere which creats a thin film lube directly on the bearing surfaces of the bullet.

DO NOT CRIMP THESE BULLETS. It will tear the tape and render your 'patch' ineffective.

So far I like the way my gun shoots them. Like I said before, I still have a lot of work to do in testing, but so far they are very comparable to regular jacketed bullets - they just take more time and care to deal with.
