Don't forget, for many years all BDL's came with a nice leather sling + swivels too...
I knew a gun shop in Alaska that use to pull them out of every box, and sell them for 10 bucks each... When i bought my first "LH" 700 Rem. BDL, i made a deal on it knowing that... I haggled with him untill we agreed on the price, and then bought it... Before leaving the store, i opened the box and said "where's the sling that comes with it?" He said, "it doesn't come with a sling!!" I pointed the end of the box toward him and said, "it says here that it does!"
He pulled a sling off the hook where he had them hanging, gave it to me and said, "next time tell me that BEFORE we agree on a price"... ha ha ha
It use to really erk me that he did that, and his customers didn't know any better...