Someone should have suggested that Osama and his wife should lead by example. They are worth a lot more than the average American, so why don't they give most of their wealth to the guvmint to pass out amongst the rable.
The truth is that they don't really believe what comes out of their pie holes. What they are saying is what they think it takes to get votes from their base.
I nearly soil my nickers everytime I hear someone say that Bush's taxcuts were only for the rich. I must be rich, because I can prove that my taxes went down--big time, at the same time that my income was going up. All you have to do is look at what the tax schedule was in the last year of the Clintons and compare to what it was after the Bush tax cuts. If it didn't lower your taxes, then you probably weren't paying any, anyway.
I think it's been sufficiently demonstrated that raising taxes does not increase revenues to the government as efficiently as lowering taxes on business and investments. The problem with the federal budget is not because of lowered revenues, it's because of increased spending. Revenues are up enormously under Bush, but so is spending. Spending starts in the House. The Republicans went on a binge and the Dumbycrats were right there with them.
Anyone who thinks that the Dumbycrats are going to slow the spending, just hasn't been around long enough.
On the wars--I agree that the Dumbycrats don't like wars--that is wars that they can hang on a Republican President. The vast majority of Dems favored taking Saddam out, until George Bush got credit for doing it. Osama wants to quit the war in Iraq, but go full throttle in Afghanistan. Like it makes a big difference where you kill terrorists. Dammit, you kill them where ever they are.
I think we're about to see at least one facet of why we went into Iraq. The Opeckers are going to try to staunch the fall of oil prices. Imagine how much easier it would be if Iraq were in the same camp with the rest of the Ayrabs. They might in deed be inclined to cooperate, but in their own interest, they might also be inclined to go for a bigger share of the market. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.