That was my plan, to move before he got into high school. Unfortunately now is a good time to buy a house but I don't think I will be able to seel the one I currently own.
As for a better or second job. I thought of that also. I actually have a pretty good job it's just that between the 4 grand for grade school, 3 grand for after school care and 9 grand for high school I could not afford to live in a crappy apartment let alone a house. The second job is out because I work very frequently on short notice. End of the day overtime requests, 12 hours a day seven days a week for a month or so, around the clock shifts occassionally and some out of town travelling.
The way I see it I have three choices:
1-Move and possibly forfeit my house to the bank beacuse I can't afford to pay two mortgages for very long.
2-Send my son into an overcrowded public school system that is drug and gang ridden.
3-Try and find some kind of funding to send him to a perochial school.
I'm trying my best to stay with my third option.
ms thanks for the post. I was looking into moving to Naperville because of the good schools.