As you may know, the Clinton Administration shut down the Alaska timber industry as payback to the Sierra Club. Even though only 4% of the timber had been harvested, and that was harvested under federal sustained yield laws, environmentalists wanted the industry killed. Employment went from about 4,000 to about 200! All pulp mills and associated sawmills were shut down as ordered by the feds. Wrangell had a sawmill that must have employed a few hundred, and that was the major employer in that little coastal town. Wrangell population has continued to decline as people have to leave or they pass away and there is nothing to lure people to move there (no jobs). So your timing for moving to Wrangell could not be better from a standpoint of finding a house on the beach to buy. You can find houses for sale on line so I won't take a guess at prices. However you should be able to purchase a house on the road system and the electric grid where you can watch the tides come in and out twice a day, whales and state ferries cruise by, etc. This year every single Alaskan received $3200 in Permanent Fund Dividend and energy help. I think that Wrangell would be a great place to wait out the next few years if November 4 brings bad results. Good luck.