Well, first off... welcome to the disease they call handgun hunting. But be careful, it will grow on you and fester like a big open sore. :wink: There is no cure as far as I know. I took the plunge over 30 years ago and haven't looked back once.
Here's another vote for the Burris 2-7 scope. Has been one of my favorites for years, and I have a bunch of them. Its just about the ideal handgun scope for deer. I can't speak personally about their customer service cause even my handcannons have never hurt one of them, but I have heard way, way more good than bad from those who have dealt with Burris Customer Service. I personally don't like the Leupolds, and I have had several of them as well. And the 'cheap' scopes are just a waste of time and effort on a hunting gun IMO. If the possability of recoil damaging your scope really bothers you, try to find one of the discontinued Simmons 2-7 Gold Medal handgun scopes, or better yet, a Tasco Pro Class 30mm (also discontinued). I have several of both of these on my big boomers, and they have taken everything I threw at them. Mounts wise I use a lot of the Burris bases and rings, but for the really heavy kickers go with a solid steel one-piece base and either steel Warne or SSK T'SOB rings 'stacked'.
As others have said, a muzzle break will be VERY LOUD! But (depending on which one), they also do a heck of a job of making loudenboomers into pussycats in the recoil and torque departments, and allow the shooter a much better chance of getting a well placed shot off. Get a pair of quality electronic muffs (mine are the Tac 6), practice until it hurts, and then go hunting. BTW, get and learn to use a good pair of folding sticks too - 'leans' are not always available in the killing fields. :-)