Here is a neat story about my dentist who has been fixing my families teeth for a long time. A young man wants to join the National Guard here in my area, but his teeth were very bad, and the military would not accept him until he gets them all fixed. Not enough money, no insurance, and very little hope of getting them fixed up. The recruiting officer drives him to my dentist to find out how much has to be done and what kind of cost, or payments and all of that. My dentist looks him over and says it will take a week to fix these up, but I won't do it for free. It's will cost you a buck! The recruiting officer drives the young man to the dentist office almost every day for a week and waits for him while he gets worked on, some teeth pulled, a lot of fillings, and what not...a weeks worth of work. The NG in this area presented my dentist with the patriot award. He has been our family dentist for a long time, and he knows one of our boys in in Iraq now.
Thought I'd share it with you all. Not enough cool news around these days.