Author Topic: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!  (Read 849 times)

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Offline teddy12b

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Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« on: November 06, 2008, 07:36:28 AM »
There's a lot of doom & gloom on this website and I understand people are feeling down because their candidate didn't will, but there is good new out there too.

Last night driving home I saw gas for $2.05 a gallon.  Now years ago I wouldn't have thought to highly about that, but compared to recent years, that's outstanding.  I think everything is going to turn out ok.  I can't prove it, but I do feel like things will be getting better.

Offline LaOtto222

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 10:48:26 AM »
Generally I am a half full type guy, not a half empty type. The gas prices are down - way down. So are all of the commodities; copper, lead, grains, ect. That is not necessarily a good thing. That is because we are going into a world depression and the demand is down for these kind of things. That is what we call a free market (supply and demand), one that is not controlled by the state, simply supply and demand. Some times it is good and some times it is bad. That is what this country is based on - free market. Things get real messed up when government tries to step in to fix it. As time has marched on, the more involved our government has become. This is to save us from our selves, so that the depression of '29 does not happen again. It started with FDR and his programs. Many people think that his programs is what pulled us out of the depression. That is simply not true, it was WWII that pulled us out of the depression. It was the jobs that were created by private companies. Sure the companies were selling their "goods" to the military - the key word is selling goods and creating jobs. Not hand outs (redistribution) by the government. But people still think that the government interference (programs) is what did it. That just tied them over until there were real jobs by real companies. Liberal Democrats think more control is good - it improves peoples lives. The more they get involved into the lives of the citizens the more the citizens rely on government. The more people depend on the government to take care of them the more they rely on the state. The more money it takes to run the state. It is a vicious circle that pulls good people down the drain and turns them into a dependent of the state - that depends on the government to fix every thing for them. Be it money, their home or the world situation. When the suction down the drain gets too big it starts drawing everyone down with them. That is what is going right now, the whole world is going under. That is not emotion, just facts. Evidently you voted for Obama and that is your right to do so. The problem is you voted on emotion not hard facts. That does not make you a bad person, my daughter did the same thing. She is a liberal who lives in Chicago and just thinks that Obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread. She is a young person who loves everyone, a kind heart, hard working and above all; an idealist. She does not understand we need less government, not more. I think we need a little (very little) interference to watch over companies to make sure they are not getting greedy and are practicing fair trade, being as environmentally friendly as REASONABLE (not regulating coal companies into the ground) and treating their employees fairly and safely. Unfortunately SOME people (companies) are going to do things the wrong way if not watched. We certainly do not need the most liberal Senator in the nation running our lives. That is just the economics of the problem, there are lots more problems with our new leader than just the economy.

Sorry I hijacked your thread, and I do not want to spread all the gloom. Like I said I am a half full type guy, let us hope that not too much damage will take place in this administration and it can be reversed in the next.- there is hope for you. ;D
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Offline teddy12b

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 11:06:28 AM »
Evidently you voted for Obama and that is your right to do so. The problem is you voted on emotion not hard facts.

I didn't vote for Obama.  I voted for McCain because I don't think one side is correct 100% and he was the only option who had challenged his own party.  Having said that I don't have hard feelings against Obama or the people who voted for him.  He is an idealist and in his acceptance speach he gave that night he promised everything to everyone and I feel like he's going to try to make that happen.  I'm excited to see how well he does and see if he really does deliver on his promises.  I think McCain would have been a more reasonable choice, but the majority rules I didn't wasn't on the majorities side this time.  That doesn't mean that I can't hope for the best.  There are plenty of people out there who got a new sense of hope & pride with this new president and there's something to be said for that. 

In any event, maybe gas will be even lower tonight on the drive home.

Offline Old Syko

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 11:29:53 AM »
Tell us how you really feel Otto! ;D  Please understand I have no argument with anything you've said here.  Excellent well versed post!

Teddy $2.05 per gallon gas is not a happy news. :-[

You do understand that gas doubled and tripled in price over the last couple years in order to help finance this electoral fiasco, don't you?

Offline myronman3

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2008, 11:51:33 AM »
i, like teddy, am sick of all the whining and crying.  what i am even more sick of, is sore losers accusing others of voting for obama.  if you want to be in the  dumps because things didnt go your way, so be it.  but dont be slinging mud and accusing people of things you have no idea about.   i doubt anyone here voted for the guy, but even if they did, that was their right.   if you dont like it, and shout someone down for it, you are nothing less than a fascist.   dont be getting down on someone because they are trying to make the best of a very bad situation.    like i said in another thread, i am learning alot about who i would want around me if i were in a bad situation.  teddy can be on my side anytime. 
    let me ask you this....what would Jesus think if he saw you doing that to someone? 

Offline burntmuch

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2008, 01:14:52 PM »
$205 for a gallon of gas may be a bad sign, Which I agree it is. All you can do is enjoy it while it lasts. Feed your kids , pay your morgage, Load up on ammo & hope for the best ;D   What else can we do
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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2008, 01:33:30 PM »
It is 2.49 here in SW Pa. I would be tickled to see 2.05. Dale
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Offline Cheesehead

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2008, 03:10:44 PM »
Whats up with myronman3?

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2008, 03:12:34 PM »
Well I always knew he was a Joker!!!!!! Dale
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Offline LaOtto222

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 03:27:56 PM »
teddy12b - I am sorry if you think I slung any mud your way - I certainly did not mean to. I would not have mentioned my daughter in the same breath if I was slinging any mud. Being upbeat is a good thing and I would rather be around some one upbeat than grumbling. I salute your attempt at making it better. I know you never thought you would get a response like mine - sorry about that too, I just got on a roll.

myronman3  - Let us talk facts, not any whining, not through rose colored glasses - real facts
On with the facts - the real facts. Personally I was better off when gas was $4.00 a gallon. I have taken a bath in the stock market and as gas prices go lower, so does the stock market. I am not rich, but I am old and have accumulated a "little" money. I have been saving a little every year for over thirty years. Some years more than others but pretty steady. I know how I got it, no one handed it to me. Lower gas prices does not necessarily mean things are better so how can I be upbeat to see lower gas prices? Maybe I went a little over board in explaining some basic economics; to explain why lower gas prices right now is not a good thing and why Obama's plan, what ever it is; is not going to work. Yep, Obama sure sounds good, doesn't he, sounds hopeful too. He convinced millions of people to vote for him. He is also THE MOST LIBERAL Senator we have, maybe the most liberal in history. I know what a liberal Democrat believes in. There was a time that Democrats were conservative, even the great John F. Kennedy was not any where as liberal as Democrats are today ( Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country). No hand outs there. I do not care what Obama says, this is what is going to happen. Taxes are going to go higher, not just for the people and businesses making over 150K or 200K or 250K, what ever the flavor of the day is, but for everyone that earns a paycheck. Oh he will not take it away in one fell swoop from the "middle" class he says he going to protect, but little here and a little there...Raise the Social Security tax, medicare tax, let the Bush tax cuts go to the wayside and then give back part of it saying he gave you a tax cut. I am not sure how he is going to do it, but he is not stupid and I am sure he will come up with a way. Obama says he will give the middle class a tax break - it ain't going to happen. He has agendas he wants to do ( like more money for college students, more money to the teachers, health care for everyone, alternative energy and it goes on) and he can't do it by taking from the folks over (you pick it) giving it to the middle class and doing all of his programs. Liberal Democrats want bigger Government (that takes more money) to save yourself from yourself. They want to take from the "rich" and give to the poor, making them even more dependent on their Government, not earn it them selves. After all we are all born equal - even an African American can become president. So why can't any one do it? They do need ambition and a desire to succeed. He says he is going to create jobs, sounds real good, that is what we really need. He is a little fuzzy on how he is going to do it. Is he going to recreate the CCC, or does he have some other plan in mind? How can he create new jobs in the private sector if he is taxing and regulating companies into bankruptcy? To stay in business they will have to raise prices - it will either make you pay more for every thing (good bye tax break) or drive them out. I am not even going into abortion (since you brought up Jesus; I am sure he thinks well of that), the church he attended for 20 years, his dubious Muslim ties, some of the people he socializes with when he can get away with it. If facts say I am doom and gloom - then you have your rose colored glasses on and do not want to look at facts. Keep those glasses on, please do not take them off, because when you do you will not like what you see. I am not particularly fond of Mc Cain but he was much closer to what we really needed than Obama will ever be. Obama sounds real good, he does have a silver tongue, and I think he really, really believes in what he is going to do or try to do. I think he just has not been honest with us on how he is going to accomplish his beliefs or really what his beliefs really are, because there would be such an outcry as you never heard before from the people of the United States. Looking the other way and hoping for the best in this case is not going to work, think about it. I have been financially hurt very badly. I do not make even close to what Obama says is the cut-off even 100K is way over what a I make. Like I said before I earned every thing I have. I am  tight wad, I save and I do not like to pay more than I need to for something. Look at some of my other posts, I whine about the price of a Handi rifle. Everyone else just accepts the fact it costs more. Well I can go on and on. I hope you have read down this far, am not belittling you in the least, not slinging mud. Continue to hope for the best, that is one way to cope. I personall have been hurt about this economy and I do not think anyone can turn it around very fast, we have to be on the right path. I have never been one to set back and let some thing happen, I go get it done. The older I get the worse I get. So if being a little pushy is bad, then I am bad, and I apologize to you. I would hope you really take an objective look at the real facts. Your beliefs are yours and yours alone. I do wish you the best and I wish everyone regardless of party affiliation the best. We are all Americans and we are going to have differences, that is part of our process. I just think that Obama has it all wrong. I wish I could have voted for Sarah Palin, Collin Powell or Condoleezza Rice for president. I really wish I could have voted for Collin Powell - a man I think; that has integrity and would be honest about what he is going to do. That is probably why he said he would not run for office, just too honest.

Sorry again to everyone for going on and on. If you know me very well, you know for the most part I post long, probably too long most times.

Gas prices are in the low 2's here. I understand they are under $2 in places.
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2008, 03:34:08 PM »
Hey cheaper gas would mean cheaper moltov cocktails!
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Offline LaOtto222

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2008, 03:56:08 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D I do not advocate violence :)
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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2008, 04:00:10 PM »
Me either!  ;)
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline LaOtto222

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2008, 04:08:33 PM »
Thank You Billy, I needed to get out that. ;)
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Offline myronman3

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 07:11:25 AM »
who says i got rose colored glasses?   my point is that you shouldnt stick the shotgun in your mouth just yet.   the way some are carrying on around here, it seems they are about five minutes out from doing just such a thing.   

   somehow or another, you got the idea in your head that i am some kind of obama fan.   i dunno what planet you are on, but if you think that you arent familiar with the myronman. 

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2008, 07:16:06 AM »
Whats up with myronman3?

the wife didnt like my other picture.... i think she thought all the young gorgeous hotties on this  site might get to thinking about how handsome i was and try to steal me away from her.   i explained to her that this site is nothing but a bunch of crotchity old varmints (sorry heather) who may or may not have had a bath in the last year. :o     but, it is the internet, so she has her own ideas despite what i tell her.  anyhow, she liked that picture better and i am just keeping the peace.   when mom is happy.............

Offline Heather

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Re: Let's think about some happy news. Gas Prices are down!
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2008, 11:03:17 AM »
Whats up with myronman3?

the wife didnt like my other picture.... i think she thought all the young gorgeous hotties on this  site might get to thinking about how handsome i was and try to steal me away from her.   i explained to her that this site is nothing but a bunch of crotchity old varmints (sorry heather) who may or may not have had a bath in the last year. :o     but, it is the internet, so she has her own ideas despite what i tell her.  anyhow, she liked that picture better and i am just keeping the peace.   when mom is happy.............

lol :D
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