Hi All,
I just acquired a Uberti Hombre and a Uberti Millenium and two matching holsters (strong & cross) and am planning to get in CAS starting this year. Neither have seen much through the barrel, but I still have to acquire a rifle & shotgun and I was hoping to get some help with that. My dad & mom shoot bigtime in AZ, and he has a Lightning in 45 and a Marlin in 44, and a double barrel 20ga coach shotgun. They only shoot the Marlin because the Lightning hasn't been too reliable. I already reload for both the 44 & 45, and my wife & I will likely share everything because she would like to shoot too. We're in ME and have some time before the snow melts, but in respect to reliability, cost & shotgun recoil, what's the most affordable way to go on purchasing the rifle & shotgun? I like the pump action in respect to speed, but they seem to command higher prices than a used double barrel or lever action, but cost is definitely an issue. Also, any recommendations as to where to get a good deal on soft lead bullets for the 44 & 45 in 160 or 180 grain? I have lots of both, but what I have may not be soft enough for cowboy action shooting, so what is the maximum brittle hardness (BHN) to stay under that can be safely shot? And is the cowboy 45 special brass legal for SASS shoots? I guess that's it for now, accept to say thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge and experience. We're excited and looking forward to getting involved.
Thanks, Brett