Well if you don't think that OPEC threats of cutting supply, and Chavez talking the same in Venezuela is
"artificially" restricting supply.....then you need to educate me on this a bit..there is no shortage of oil....not by anyones scientific analysis...never has been , never will be in our lifetime....what there is , is maniupulation to extract that oil...and that isn't natural , that is artificial ....and by the way ////look who owns American refineries.....they are not owned by independent companies...they are owned BY the Oil companies.....I am not gonna say that isn't life, sure I understand......but when tankers are sitting for weeks and weeks on end, waiting to dump their crude, and when our country imports GAS...to meet demand, not oil....then we have a manipulated refinery issue...plenty of oil, no refining capacity. Everyone knows it, admits it, and yet....nothing is done....and you are correct...30 years later...and NOTHING has been done...I supose someone will blame that on the BUSH administration too....
I still say , take everyone on the face of the USA...312 million people.....give them all 1 million after taxes...on the idea, and the restriction, that they FIRST pay all their debts.....that plan , only costs the Government about 500 million...( plus they get an average of 29% back in taxes before it ever starts...)
Then , all mortgages would be caught up, all car payments made, boats paid for, all regular debts paid in full...insurance is now affordable for all, and most folks would have money for kids college, food, health care, etc etc....sounds better than a 700 BILLION dollar bailout for bankers and lawyers to split , and think of the stimulus that would create.....