Hi,I'm new to the site, I have a couple of cents I'd like to toss in for thought. A fellow I was talking to...told me that the English "SAS" used gin as a solvent/lube,in the middle east.
The berry that gin is distilled from,leaves a very thin film of oil,while the alcohol works as a solvent,of sorts,for cleaning.Thereby limiting the gumming up of the works,typical of oil issues like dirt ,dust and freezing.
Would this work on firearms in the frozen north? Alcohol isn't supposed to freeze, and if the "gin berry" lubricant idea bears fruit,( ya ,I know...Bad pun,sorry.) Would this prevent the freezing of firearms as a result of the wet,very cold conditions that hunters are exposed to for days on end,while providing protection and lubrication? Would this be a valid excuse to give a game officer asking what I'm doing in procession of a bottle of booze while hunting? Would vodka work? Do potato's have their own natural lube? Thanks,among other things,I'm full of questions.