Author Topic: Today Show Segment -- let them hear from us!!  (Read 626 times)

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Offline G_Wheeler

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Today Show Segment -- let them hear from us!!
« on: August 20, 2003, 04:57:50 PM »
Hey all,

I was watching the Today Show this morning, like I do a lot of mornings. It is usually the best morning news show that I get and I usually enjoy watching it (except for the fashion and wedding segments, but that is a different story)
This morning Gene Shalit was doing his movie review on a documentary called "Winged Migrations". While the video was running, Mr. Shalit was talking about various things. He was talking about the film showing all that waterfowl has to endure on a migration. Long flights, extreme weather, etc.... Then they showed a scene with goose hunters shooting some incoming geese and Shalit said "Human stupidity!" in a very harsh, smart-allicked tone.
They then went back over to Matt and Ann who discussed what a great looking documentary it was but that they probably wouldn't take their kids to see it because of the hunting scene.
I turned it off and came in to the computer and e-mailed the show. I spoke of all the benefits to hunting, and hunters money. I told them of the traditions and rights we enjoy. I told them that I, like millions of other Americans, enjoy and embrace hunting.
My e-mail was not threatening, vulgar or smart-allicked. I urge each of you to e-mail or write them as well. But remember, lets refrain from sounding like red necks (which I am, by the way) that can only send vulgar, threatening trash. That will only give them ammunition to prove a point. Lets let them know that we are inteligent citizens that do our part for our country and our wildlife and just don't like the way they portray us and hunting, and that we care about our sport, our traditions and our way of life.
Lets let them hear our mighty, collective voice, not let them think that we don't care what they say about us!! If only 1/10th of the hunters out there would e-mail or write them, they would be overwhelmed!! Let your friends and family know to e-mail them too.

The e-mail address is <>

Thanks for listening..... Glenn Wheeler

Offline Cabin4

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Today Show Segment -- let them hear from us
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2003, 03:55:16 AM »
I emailed this to the Today's Show address.

Subject: Angry about Winged Migration Segment

I watched your segment on Winged Migrations and was absolutely appalled at the comments made by Gene Shalit about hunting being human stupidity. I am a hunter who's life style and ways of life are based on a heritage, tradition and culture born from ethical and proper hunting. Like millions of Americans who's heritage, culture and tradition that embrace hunting as the normal course of nature, I can tell you that we provide more for wildlife then is taken. Any unbiased analysis could only conclude that because of hunting, our wildlife populations and care of treasured wilderness would be in severe threat. Organizations like Ducks Unlimited which focus is on an abundant waterfowl population in North America embraces and understands the critical and vital role that culling/hunting has on a vibrant waterfowl population. Without hunters and organizations like Ducks Unlimited, the waterfowl population in NA would be a mere shadow of what they are today. Ducks Unlimited along with those hunters who support them areas solely and directly responsible for the reclamation and or preservation of millions of acres of waterfowl habitat in NA. This same situation is true for countless other species such as deer, bear, elk. There are countless organizations with a similar charter as Ducks Unlimited that focus on other animals. Such as the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, Pheasants Forever and the list goes on and on and on. Is the Today's show going to report on the great good for wildlife that these groups and the hunters that support them are doing ?

Wildlife is a renewable resource and if properly managed great good can come from it including food for our tables. As long as you eat what you shoot, then its no different than buying meat or poultry at the grocery store. For those how criticize hunting and call it stupid, but them buy a steak at the grocery store is pure and simple hypocrisy and stupidity by there own definition. Just because someone in a slaughter house killed the animal for you does not make you more ethical or moral. Does Gene, Katie or Matt eat meat  ? If they do their hunting is simply done by someone else for them !

Gene Shalit, Matt and Katie are letting their personal views of hunting get in the way of the real truth and I am not at all impressed with the Today's Show cultural bias against those millions of Americans, Canadians and Native Americans who's life style, heritage, culture and family traditions are founded in hunting. Hunting to these millions upon millions of people is not a sport or a past time. It is a means by which we keep in touch with our past, our heritage and culture.

If Gene is so concerned about hunting, I implore him to film a group of Native Americans hunting geese or any other animals and then air it on national television and call them stupid. This would never happen because Gene and the Today's Show cultural bias and political correctness will prevent you from doing such.

Unless there is an apology issued by Gene, Matt and Katie, I will never watch any NBC programming again. I am deeply troubled by your duplicity, cultural bias and severe lack of understanding and sensitivity towards those people that are different than them. In a country founded on the principals of respect for each other, the Today's Show segment on Winged Migration shows your lack of respect for this principal. Based on this lack of respect, I will never let my children watch NBC programing again and be ridiculed and called stupid. Now we have to explain to our childern why they are not stupid, just becasue NBC tells them they are.
Thank you,
Avery Hayden Wallace
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Offline Cabin4

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Today Show Segment -- let them hear from us
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2003, 04:05:27 AM »

You should also post this under the Political section and also on

Avery Hayden Wallace
Obama Administration: A corrupt criminal enterprise of bold face liars.
The States formed the Union. The Union did not form the States. States Rights!
S.A.S.S/NRA Life Member/2nd Amendment Foundation
CCRKBA/Gun Owners of America
California Rifle & Pistol Association
Ron Paul Was Right!
Long Live the King! #3