Take action on your late FOID
The ISRA issued a press release on January 23rd, 2009, concerning the failure of the Illinois State Police to issue the FOID or provide an explanation for denial within 30 days of receipt of the application, as provided for by Illinois law.
The ISRA is working on the problem, but that doesn't immediately help those awaiting a new FOID or a FOID renewal. If you are waiting for your FOID and you sent in your application 30 days ago or more, please follow these steps:
1. Call the ISP Police Firearms Services Bureau at 217-782-7980 and make an inquiry into the status of your card. Disregard any recorded message that tells you not to bother unless you've been waiting more than 56 days. It's your rights that have been put on hold, it's your freedom that is put in jeopardy, it's your prerogative to call and ask for action.
2. Call your Illinois Representative and Illinois Senator at their Springfield offices and inform them of your difficulty getting your new or renewed FOID. It is very likely that your call will be answered by a secretary. Always be polite to the secretaries, they're your portal to the legislators. Provide details on your situation: when you sent in your application, date your check cleared, etc. Ask for the legislator to make an inquiry on your behalf. It's important for the legislators to know that the FOID delays are impacting citizens in their districts.
3. Do you need to find out who your state legislators are? You can find out by checking the website of the Illinois State Board of Elections on the page for District/Official Search. If you know who your legislators are but need their phone numbers, you can look them up on the ISRA website. There is a page for the representatives and another for the senators.
4. Show your solidarity for your fellow Illinois Gun Owners by joining us in Springfield on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 for IGOLD – Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day. Go to the IGOLD website at igold.isra.org for details.